VBUG Bristol: The ABC's of Windows Communication Foundation with Ben Lamb

Wed, 10 Sep 2008, 18:00 - 21:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
BAWA , Bristol, GB

Date: Wednesday 10 September 2008........The ABC's of Windows Communication Foundation Writing a client-server application used to be pain. For projects that were exclusively .NET you could use Remoting but suffered from brittle interfaces. If you wanted to talk to other platforms the choice was webservices which offered a small subset of features. Two different APIs, two different sets of capabilities. This talk introduces Windows Communications Foundation, Microsoft's unified API for anything communications related in .NET. See how it lets you create fast, non-brittle communications channels between your application components and external services. * Advantages of WCF * Callbacks and Avoiding Deadlocks * Differences between Remoting and WCF * Versioning - why you don't want to upgrade all your clients simultaneously * Additional features - reliability, guaranteed message ordering * Streaming By the end of the talk Addresses, Bindings and Contracts should all make sense to you. Please arrive from 18.00 ready for PROMPT start of 18.30. Directions to venue: http://www.bawa.biz/htm/php/driving_directions.php

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