You Say Twister^Hd, I say Tornado, Web Servers in Python -- COhPy Meeting

TechLife Columbus
29-30 Mar 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Columbus, US

Meet fellow Pythonistas. Learn about the Python programming language. Share your experiences with Python and how it has helped you. Have fun! All are possible as a member of the Central Ohio Python User's Group.

Brian Costlow will be talking about "You say Twister^Hd, I say Tornado". He has built some small web applications at his work that have 'dashboard' style components. The page displaying the dashboard runs a timer loop in JavaScript that makes 'AJAX' queries to get updated data. When people leave this open, it's polling the app server every 30 seconds for updates. Each update is actually five separate GET calls, which result in 5 queries run etc.

Sometimes the underlying db can go hours without changes, and other times, it's updating/creating 100s of records a second. He wanted to rewrite the dashboards as 'Comet' apps, including replacing the server-side with an asynchronous event loop web server. He prototyped one of the dashboards with both a Twisted and Tornado back end. He will walk through both implementations, talk about the tradeoffs, and what their final decision was.

Pop and snacks will be provided by Intellovations. We also have a stack of O'Reilly provided Python books in our library that can be checked out.

See you there!

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