VBUG Poole: Creating production website using MVC, Spring, NHibernate, lambda

Wed, 1 Oct 2008, 18:00 - 21:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Dorset Software , Poole, GB

Date: Wednesday 1 October 2008........Presented by Gbemiga Medouye of Willaim Reed Session Outline Basics of MVC I have seen that you have already got quite a few people coming to speak about the mvc framework but just to recap. We start with a quick introduction to the MVC framework and the benfits and drawbacks that we have identified compared to a standard web forms implementation. Using Spring.NET as an IOC container in the production of an enterprise level MVC application. In this section we will cover the architectural benefits of using IOC in a .NET web application. We will then go into the specifics of how to configure an MVC web application to work with spring.NET . We will also try to lay out some best practices based on the experienced gathered based on this implementation. Utilising lambda expressions and the Spring.NET expression framework in the production of the an extemely robustform data binding framework in MVC using strongly typed view data. MVC requires that view data is exchanged between the view and the controller. In many MVC frameworks this data is modelled as a dictionary or some kind of map. One of the things that makes ASP MVC unique from many other frameworks is that it allows you to declare your views with a generic type indicating the strongly typed view data class. During this project I developed an inovative framework that enables you to bind components of these strongly typed view data classes to form elements using lamda expressions and .NET 3.5 extension methods on the view side of the bind and using the Spring.NET expression framework on the controller side to dynamically repopluate your strongly typed view data objects. Using lamda expressions and JQuery in the development of a validation framework to work in harmony with the the binding framework. Validation is a key concern in any web application. We will cover how we customised the MVC validator toolkit to work with our innovative form binding to produce a robust validation framework. How best to organise your MVC application to work with Master pages. There have been alot of proposed solutions to tackle the implementation of master pages in the MVC framework. The problem is how to get view data to your master pages without either coupling the master pages to a specific view or making very un-mvc-like calls from the master page itself to retrieve the data that it requires.By making a few subtle changes to the MVC framework I have developed a mechanism to allow strongly typed viewdata to be passed to the master page without coupling the master page to a specific view/viewdata.

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