NYC Cloud Computing Group - Chartbeat and MongoDb - a perfect marriage

New York City Cloud Computing Group
18-19 May 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

Join us is in gaining incredible insight as to how Chartbeat leverages the high performance, open source MongoDB from 10Gen to deliver world class on-line presence monitoring. Learn how unique design and scalability issues were overcome through Chartbeat's use the MongoDB framework. Get first hand knowledge how Chartbeat seamlessly integrated a robust, horizontally scalable, high-performance database into their solution.

Chartbeat & MongoDB
Chartbeat is a revolutionary real-time analytics service that enables people to understand emergent behaviour in real-time and exploit or mitigate it. Chartbeat stores all historical analytics data in MongoDB. MongoDB (from "humongous") is a high-performance, open source, schema-free, non-relational, document-oriented database. Trading off a few traditional features of databases (notably joins and transactions) in order to achieve much better performance, MongoDB is fast, scalable, and designed for web development.  

Mike Dirolf
Mike Dirolf is a Software Engineer at 10gen, where he works on the MongoDB project. He mainly works on client drivers for Python and Ruby, but also takes time out to talk about MongoDB – he has presented at EuroPython, Strange Loop Conf, ReR, RuPy, RubyConf, CodeMash and FLOSS Weekly as well as at various meetup groups around the world. He is currently working on writing “MongoDB: the Definitive Guide” to be published with O’Reilly. Mike received a B.S.E. in Computer Science from Princeton University. Born in Albany NY, Mike currently resides in New York City.

Kushal Dave
Kushal is CTO of chartbeat, where he leads development and operation of the company's unique real-time systems, user interfaces, and data stores. Previously, at Google, Kushal worked on teams adding AJAX to web search, reducing Maps latency, building Google Notebook, and optimizing Closure Compiler. Before that, he spent two years at the Collaborative User Experience group in IBM Research. He has a B.S. in Computer Science from Yale University.


Gemini Systems
A special thanks to Gemini Systems, the proud premier sponsor the NYC Cloud Computing Group. Gemini Systems supplies the food, beverages and venue for our Meet Ups. Gemini Systems is an early adopter of Cloud Computing technologies and solutions. They are a premier Global IT firm with resources in several continents able to tackle the most challenging system design, integration, and application development projects.

Please visit Gemini Systems at http://www.gemini-sys... .

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