How Mozilla and LinkedIn use Selenium: Open Source Customized

San Francisco Selenium Meetup Group
Thu, 20 May 2010, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Mountain View, US

We are thrilled to announce another #SFSE meetup in just a few short weeks. Join us as speakers from Mozilla and LinkedIn discuss at Mozilla's headquarters how their companies use Selenium and other open-source tools to handle and implement quick and effective web testing. Each talk will last about 30 minutes with a brief Q&A following each.

#SFSE would like to express its enthusiastic thanks to our Mozilla hosts for sponsoring facilities for this meetup.

6:30 Registration, networking, pizza, beer
7:15 Welcome, Agenda Overview, Announcements, Introductions
7:30 Mozilla, Selenium and Hudson Continuous-Build Integration: A Big Open Source Family
8:00 LinkedIn Ruby-Based, Page-Model-Oriented Framework
8:30 Wrap-up; networking
9:15 Lights out

Mozilla, Selenium and Hudson Continuous-Build Integration: A Big Open-Source Happy Family
Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently. Each integration is verified by an automated build to find problems as quickly as possible. Many teams discover that this approach leads to significantly reduced integration problems and allows a team to develop cohesive software more rapidly. In our talk, we'll show how our team uses open-source tools, particularly Selenium Grid and Hudson, to test the web applications we make. Raymond Etornam will cover how we moved from testing them using basic Selenium IDE in Selenese/PHP to a more structured system, where our tests are run using Hudson and Selenium Grid, in Python. Stephen Donner will co-lead, providing more of the historical background. Krupa Raj and Vishal Kamdar will also be on-hand to answer questions and provide additional information.

LinkedIn Ruby-Based, Page-Model-Oriented Framework
We all know that UI test automation for any complex, rapidly changing web application can be daunting. Authoring effective tests is often painstaking, and the maintenance burden of keeping them kicking is generally hefty. In order to stay on top and keep our QA team in good mental health here at LinkedIn, we've adopted the page object pattern and implemented it in a way that solves some of the common headache-inducing problems around test automation. Wade Catron will demonstrate how this approach affords us a natural feeling, driver-independent test API with a tidy home for element locator mappings, producing tests that are robust, readable, and easy to fix.

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