Open Source Podcasts
.NET Rocks: Amir Rajan Does Frictionless Development with Oak
Carl and Richard talk to Amir Rajan about his Oak project on GitHub. Amir discusses his approach to building Single Page Applications (SPA) using an array of open source tools including Rake (from the Ruby stack), nSpec, Canopy, Growl and more. The conversation digs into how C# fits into the equa.
.NET Rocks: Glenn Block Goes Open Source with ScriptCS
Published 7 years ago, running time 1h0m
Carl and Richard talk to Glenn Block about his open source project called ScriptCS. Glenn talks about his inspiration for the project, taking the principles of node.js and applying it to C#, using the RoslynCTP. The conversation digs into the speed at which ScriptCS has taken off - at the time of.
Rails Envy Podcast: Ruby 1.9.3-p392
Published 8 years ago, running time 0h23m
In this episode of The Ruby Show, Jason and Peter talk about the latest Ruby release, Rails security releases, and the usual round up of interesting projects.
Ubuntu UK Podcast: S06E01 – We Need to Talk About Ubuntu
Published 8 years ago, running time 0h30m
We’re back! That’s us: Alan Pope, Mark Johnson, Tony Whitmore, Laura Cowen, and (not forgetting) The Podcats. We’re here in Studio A for the first episode of Season (Series) Six of the Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo Team! In this week’s show:- We take a look at what’s been happening in the News
Software Engineering Radio: Open Source Development: Perspectives From Management Science
Published 8 years ago, running time 0h17m
Recording Venue: Skype Guest: Georg von Krogh Open source development has had a major impact on both private and public development and use of software. This is an interview with one of the key researchers on open source development, Professor Georg von Krogh of the Swiss Federal Institute of Tec.
GoingDeep: C++ and Beyond 2012: Herb Sutter - atomic<> Weapons, 2 of 2
Published 8 years ago, running time 4h1m
Herb Sutter presents atomic<> Weapons, 2 of 2. This was filmed at C++ and Beyond 2012. As the title suggests, this is a two part series (given the depth of treatment and complexity of the subject matter).STOP! => Watch part 1 first!Abstract:This session in one word: Deep.It's
GoingDeep: C++ and Beyond 2012: Herb Sutter - atomic<> Weapons, 1 of 2
Published 8 years ago, running time 3h31m
Herb Sutter presents atomic<> Weapons, 1 of 2. This was filmed at C++ and Beyond 2012. As the title suggests, this is a two part series (given the depth of treatment and complexity of the subject matter).Abstract:This session in one word: Deep.It's a session that includes topics I've
Rails Envy Podcast: Rails 3.0.20 and 2.3.16
Published 8 years ago, running time 0h19m
In this episode, Jason and Peter talk about the latest security updates to Rails, Threads in Ruby, and the usual round up of interesting blog posts.
Rails Envy Podcast: Ruby 1.9.3-p374
Published 8 years ago, running time 0h21m
In this episode, Jason and Peter talk about the latest Ruby release, developing iOS applications with Ruby, Kids Ruby, and the usual round up of interesting projects and posts.
Rails Envy Podcast: Rails Security Updates
Published 8 years ago, running time 0h23m
In this episode, Peter and Jason talk about the latest Rails security releases (upgrade now!), Ruby 2.0.0 preview 1, and some cool new projects.
Rails Envy Podcast: Ruby 1.9.3-p362
Published 8 years ago, running time 0h24m
In this episode, Peter and Jason talk about the latest patch level release of Ruby, Rails 4 changes, and the usual round up of interesting projects and posts. Peter's audio is a bit off this week due to a recording error on our part but it will be back to normal next week.
GoingDeep: C++ and Beyond 2012: Herb Sutter - Concurrency and Parallelism
Published 8 years ago, running time 3h17m
Herb Sutter presents Concurrency and Parallelism. This was filmed at C++ and Beyond 2012.Herb says:I've spoken and written on these topics before. Here's what's different about this talk: *Brand new: This material goes beyond what I've written and taught about before in my Effective
Hanselminutes: Making Open Source work at Microsoft with SignalR and Damian Edwards
Published 8 years ago, running time 0h32m
Scott talks to Damian Edwards about how he and David Fowler shipped SignalR at Microsoft, now with a team of a dozen. They use open source, they are open source and they love open source. How are they making it happen and what does it mean for the future of .NET?
.NET Rocks: A Very Haacky Christmas!
Published 8 years ago, running time 1h0m
While at the Los Angeles stop of the .NET Rocks! Visual Studio 2012 Launch Road Trip, Carl and Richard sat down with Phil Haack to talk about Git and GitHub. The conversation starts out with a primer on Git itself and its origins as a distributed source control for Linux. Then Phil discusses how
webdev radio: Font tools, design thoughts, parallel deployment, and my Florida road trip
Published 8 years ago, running time 0h22m
Hello all from sunny Florida :) Recently discovered jquery validation plugin only 6 years too late, and have found some tools that work in conjunction with it, including Pajama, a PHP library. Also have some links to font combination articles and tools, and have recently been using "parallel depl.
IBM developerWorks: TWOdW: Some of the best gifts come in the form of knowledge
Published 8 years ago, running time 0h4m
This week on developerWorks, Millard Ellingsworth explains how to make Scrum teams productive via "backlog grooming" with Rational Team Concert, Vikram Vaswani demonstrates how to create REST apps with the Slim PHP micro-framework, and more.
GoingDeep: C++ and Beyond 2012: Andrei Alexandrescu - Systematic Error Handling in C++
Published 8 years ago, running time 3h45m
Andrei Alexandrescu presents "Systematic Error Handling in C++". This was filmed at C++ and Beyond 2012Abstract:Writing code that is resilient upon errors (API failures, exceptions, invalid memory access, and more) has always been a pain point in all languages. This being still largely an.
The SitePoint Podcast: Open Source Projects with Dave Rupert
Published 8 years ago, running time 0h37m
Episode 190 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week Kevin Dees (@kevindees) interviews Dave Rupert (@davatron5000) of Paravel about open source development. Listen in Your Browser Play this episode directly in your browser — just click the orange “play” button below: Download this Ep.
Rails Envy Podcast: The British Ruby Conference
Published 8 years ago, running time 0h24m
In this episode, Peter and Jason discuss the British Ruby Conference, Ruby 1.9.3-p327, Capybara 2.0.0, and more. Also, huge apologies for Jason's audio quality in this episode. There was a hiss that showed up after recording that couldn't be fixed. Listen at your own risk!
Hanselminutes: Why C++ with Herb Sutter
Published 8 years ago, running time 0h36m
The world runs on C and C++. Did you know that? Herb Sutter sits down to convince Scott that he's not only standing on the shoulders of giants but that those giants all write C
Featured Podcast Show
Rails Envy Podcast
Last episode 11 years ago on
The Rails Envy podcast is a weekly newscast by Jason Seifer and Gregg Pollack about what's new in the Ruby and Ruby on Rails worlds.