Creating amazing user interfaces with Dojo and DWR

Ajax has the power to make your applications satisfying and beautiful or painful and frustrating. This talk shows how Dojo can help you create amazingly beautiful user experiences and how DWR brings the beauty to Java by making Java and JavaScript work well together. Both Dojo and DWR have cha...

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Episode synopsis

Ajax has the power to make your applications satisfying and beautiful or painful and frustrating. This talk shows how Dojo can help you create amazingly beautiful user experiences and how DWR brings the beauty to Java by making Java and JavaScript work well together.

Both Dojo and DWR have changed a lot in the last 2 years. Dojo now has a theming system, many new widgets, and great documentation. DWR can now synchronize data between the server and multiple clients, you can implement Java interfaces with JavaScript, and call both ways between Java and JavaScript.

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“Anyone who considers arithmetic methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin.” - John von Neumann