Productive Web 2.0 Development

Modern web development requires writing better code in less time with increasingly complex technologies and languages. While relatively new, these technologies pose the same set of problems that Java developers have worked to solve for years. In this session, you will learn how IntelliJ supports ...

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Episode synopsis

Modern web development requires writing better code in less time with increasingly complex technologies and languages. While relatively new, these technologies pose the same set of problems that Java developers have worked to solve for years. In this session, you will learn how IntelliJ supports you in your Web 2.0 development to move projects forward, solve problems, and hit deadlines.

Mike Aizatsky will teach you to:
* Use intelligent code assistance to code faster and more efficiently in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JSP

* Check overall site consistency in an environment with a complex mix of languages

* Refactor existing sites by changing their structure without breaking any of the used languages

* Find and clean unused parts of your site code

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“In order to understand recursion, one must first understand recursion.”