Building web-based 'fat clients' using GWT

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) provides you with a great way to develop Ajax applications in the Java language. It allows you to develop 'fat clients' for the web, without having to know the ins and outs of JavaScript and all the corresponding browser incompatibilities. This session will provide y...

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Episode synopsis

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) provides you with a great way to develop Ajax applications in the Java language. It allows you to develop 'fat clients' for the web, without having to know the ins and outs of JavaScript and all the corresponding browser incompatibilities.

This session will provide you with an introduction on building web-based, 'fat clients' with GWT. The focus of this session will be on integration between a GWT client and your Spring-managed back end. Bram will also discuss tips and tricks for working with GWT. During this session, Bram will demonstrate how to build a simple GWT client and connect it to an existing Spring-based back end application.

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