SDK and Java is multi-platform, open source office productivity suite. OOo natively uses the "OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications" while also fully supporting the Microsoft Office formats. Due the fact of its standardized file format OOo becom...

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Episode synopsis is multi-platform, open source office productivity suite. OOo natively uses the "OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications" while also fully supporting the Microsoft Office formats. Due the fact of its standardized file format OOo becomes more and more important in public offices and even enterprises. But even in more complex environments an office suite needs to be integrated in existing work flows, in existing applications or needs to be extended by some special functionality to meet existing requirements. offers a language independent API which allows to program in Java, it allows to use as service provider in your own applications, extend it with new functionality or simply customize and control This session will give a general overview of the OOo programmability capabilities including tool support.

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