Apache Tuscany - not the "same old architecture"

Do you think of SOA as the "Same Old Architecture"? The Apache Tuscany project moves SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) beyond buzzwords and vague arm-waving into reality. The project aims to create a next-generation services infrastructure in open source based on the principles behind...

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Episode synopsis

Do you think of SOA as the "Same Old Architecture"? The Apache Tuscany project moves SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) beyond buzzwords and vague arm-waving into reality. The project aims to create a next-generation services infrastructure in open source based on the principles behind the Service Component Architecture (SCA). With Apache Tuscany, application developers will be able to create, assemble, and deploy service networks in ways that are not easily done with existing middleware.
Apache Tuscany, undergoing incubation at the Apache Software Foundation, provides implementations of the Service Component Architecture (SCA specifications and related technologies such as Service Data Objects (SDO)
and Data Access Service (DAS). The overall goal of the project is to provide an open-source runtime platform to simplify the implementation of SOA-based applications in various programming languages such as Java, C++, JavaScript or BPEL. Tuscany integrates with well established Web Services and server technologies such as Apache Axis2, Apache Tomcat and Geronimo. This session will explain the SCA, SDO and DAS concepts and show how Tuscany simplifies the task of creating and assembling service-based applications through coding examples and a demonstration.

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