Project Phobos

Scripting and dynamic languages are one of the most exciting topics in programming these days. Languages like Javascript, Ruby, Python and others have soared in popularity in recent years, each bringing a fresh, different perspective to the activity of programming. Developers can take advantage o...

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Episode synopsis

Scripting and dynamic languages are one of the most exciting topics in programming these days. Languages like Javascript, Ruby, Python and others have soared in popularity in recent years, each bringing a fresh, different perspective to the activity of programming. Developers can take advantage of the dynamic nature of scripting languages to bind components together more easily and with fewer lines of code, resulting in higher productivity.

This session will present an open source project code-named Phobos which is is a lightweight, scripting-friendly, web application environment running on the Java platform, aimed at addressing emerging developer requirements. The goal of Project Phobos is to show that Java is an excellent platform for server-side scripting, allowing dynamic-language developers to leverage the power of Java SE and EE.

The initial language that Phobos is supporting on the server side is JavaScript, and jRuby will follow.

Live demo using IDE integration of Phobos projects will be presented, including Ajax support and the ability to debug asynchronous calls from the browser right in the IDE, JPA (Java Persistence API) usage in the context of JavaScript to generate CRUD applications, as well as JavaScript server debugging.

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“If debugging is the process of removing software bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in.” - Edsger Dijkstra