Ajax, DWR, and Spring

Improving the User Experience without the JavaScript hassle: Ajax, DWR, and Spring Buzzwords like AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) and XmlHttpRequest are buzzing around Java blogs for months now. The DWR (Direct Web Remoting) project aims to provide easy AJAX for Java. This session will...

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Improving the User Experience without the JavaScript hassle: Ajax, DWR, and Spring Buzzwords like AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) and XmlHttpRequest are buzzing around Java blogs for months now. The DWR (Direct Web Remoting) project aims to provide easy AJAX for Java. This session will provide an introduction on using DWR as part of a web application. It will provide insight into the ease of using DWR to add dynamic behavior to your web application, without the hassle of knowing the ins-and-outs of XmlHttpRequest. The focus of this talk will be on DWR in conjunction with Spring. A hands-on example will be used of adding dynamic behavior to a sample Spring MVC application. Furthermore, best practices and dos and don'ts are discussed.

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