.NET Rocks: Geoff Smith and Howard van Rooijen Architect S#arply

.NET Rocks

Carl and Richard talk to Geoff Smith and Howard van Rooijen about S#arp architecture. S#arp architecture provides guidance on how to build ASP.NET MVC applications with nHibernate. It follows Eric Evan's Domain Driven Design principles very closely. The conversation also jumped over to StyleCop

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Episode synopsis

Carl and Richard talk to Geoff Smith and Howard van Rooijen about S#arp architecture. S#arp architecture provides guidance on how to build ASP.NET MVC applications with nHibernate. It follows Eric Evan's Domain Driven Design principles very closely. The conversation also jumped over to StyleCop, the CodePlex project for standardizing code standards and Templify, an open source tool for building T4 templates.

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