Agile Toolkit: ADPEast 2011 - Tom Paider and Dustin Potts - Going Big with Agile, Lean and CMMI at Nationwide

Agile Toolkit

I speak with Tom and Dustin regarding the work they have done to roll out agile within Nationwide. I worked with them both in the past and it is extrordinarily gratifying to see the seeds of your labor grown into such a giant tree.  They have created the right ballance of structure that allows th.

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Episode synopsis

I speak with Tom and Dustin regarding the work they have done to roll out agile within Nationwide. I worked with them both in the past and it is extrordinarily gratifying to see the seeds of your labor grown into such a giant tree.  They have created the right ballance of structure that allows them to bring up teams and agility to allow those teams to innovate.

I hope you enjoy.

-bob payne

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