IBM developerWorks: TWOdW: IBM Java 7 knowledge path, RST in Ruby, continuous integration in agile

IBM developerWorks

New IBM.COM/DEVELOPERWORKS content highlights for the week of Aug 15-22. John Swanson joins Scott Laningham for a summary of new content on continuous integration in Agile development, understanding representational state transfer in Ruby, and a new knowledge path on IBM Java 7. Calvin Powers is

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New IBM.COM/DEVELOPERWORKS content highlights for the week of Aug 15-22. John Swanson joins Scott Laningham for a summary of new content on continuous integration in Agile development, understanding representational state transfer in Ruby, and a new knowledge path on IBM Java 7. Calvin Powers is the feature dW staff guest and talks about editing the new security topic area on developerWorks, IBM's premier resource for developers worldwide with tools, code, and education on IBM products and open standards technology.

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