Agile Toolkit: Agile 2012 - Ellen Gottesdiener and Mary Gorman - Discover to Deliver

Agile Toolkit

I speak with Mary and Ellen about their book Discover to Deliver.  Creating a Structured Conversation about the discovery process.  If you want to build the right thing you need to get people together and explore the space, find the value and find a way to confirm.They evaluate the dimensions.

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Episode synopsis

I speak with Mary and Ellen about their book Discover to Deliver.  Creating a Structured Conversation about the discovery process.  If you want to build the right thing you need to get people together and explore the space, find the value and find a way to confirm.

They evaluate the dimensions of features along the following dimensions:

  • User
  • Action
  • Data  
  • Control
  • Interface
  • Environment
  • Quality

I love the fact that they went for a visual management, lean startup and agile delivery to pull this book together.  

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