CodeCast: Advanced .NET Programming with Eric Lippert


CodeCast Episode 25: Advanced .NET Programming with Eric LippertIn this episode of CodeCast, Ken Levy interviews Eric Lippert who is a senior software design engineer at Microsoft. Eric has been working at Microsoft on developer tools and languages since 1996, and has assisted with the design...

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CodeCast Episode 25: Advanced .NET Programming with Eric Lippert

In this episode of CodeCast, Ken Levy interviews Eric Lippert who is a senior software design engineer at Microsoft. Eric has been working at Microsoft on developer tools and languages since 1996, and has assisted with the design and implementation of VBScript, JScript, JScript .NET, Windows Script Host, Visual Studio Tools for Office and C#.

Some of the many questions and topics Eric discusses include: What forces influence language designers when (1) choosing what features go into a language and (2) deciding how those features are exposed to the user? Why is LINQ syntax structured they way it is relative to standard SQL? How does the C# compiler functionality reflect how C# programming is thought of and designed? What process does Microsoft use in general to decide what goes into the next major release of the languages?


·         Eric Lippert – Blog:


·         Eric Lippert on Channel 9


Posted @ 11:00 PM by CodeCast ([email protected])

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