Rails Envy Podcast: Rails Envy Podcast – Episode #074: 04/08/2009

Rails Envy Podcast

Episode 74. We take a controversial side and give you the whole scoop on the Ruby vs Scala debate.* Subscribe via iTunes – iTunes only link. Download the podcast ~17:30 mins MP3. Subscribe to feed via RSS by copying the link to your RSS Reader The Rails Envy podcast is brought to you this week by...

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Episode 74. We take a controversial side and give you the whole scoop on the Ruby vs Scala debate.*

Subscribe via iTunes – iTunes only link.
Download the podcast ~17:30 mins MP3.
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Sponsored by Hashrocket
The Rails Envy podcast is brought to you this week by Integrum. Integrum is a team of dedicated Rails developers who emphasize business value, speed to market, and open communitcation to build remarkable Rails applications. They build software that you’ve been told is impossible.

Sponsored by New Relic
The Rails Envy podcast is also brought to you this week by NewRelic. NewRelic provides RPM which is a plugin for rails that allows you to monitor and quickly diagnose problems with your Rails application in real time. They also recently produced Rails Lab, which gives you expert advice on tuning and optimizing your Rails app.

* No, we don’t.

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