Herding Code: Herding Code 70: Sean Chambers on Migrations in .NET

Herding Code

This week on Herding Code, we talk to Sean Chambers about migrations in .NET with Fluent Migrator. Sean talks about how Fluent Migrator originated from Migrator.NET Sean discusses how the benefits of a semantic model in Fluent Migrator K Scott and Sean discuss how you’d start using Fluent Migrato.

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Episode synopsis

This week on Herding Code, we talk to Sean Chambers about migrations in .NET with Fluent Migrator.

  • Sean talks about how Fluent Migrator originated from Migrator.NET
  • Sean discusses how the benefits of a semantic model in Fluent Migrator
  • K Scott and Sean discuss how you’d start using Fluent Migrator in a project
  • Sean talks about some useful features, like InsertData\
  • Jon asks about support for different databases
  • Scott K asks about the benefits of a migration framework over a simple directory of T-SQL scripts
  • We take a question from Aaron Lerch (@aaronlerch) on Twitter about how Fluent Migrator would work with Fluent NHibernate
  • Kevin asks about Schema Update
  • Kevin and Sean talk about possible inefficiencies with objects being added, changed, and removed in successive migrations
  • K Scott asks about extensibility hooks
  • Scott K asks about stored procedures, functions, user defined types, etc.
  • Jon asks about how Fluent Migrator relates to other .NET migration frameworks
  • We take a question from Aaron Jensen (@aaronjensen) on Twitter about the benefits of a migration framework since T-SQL is already a DSL
  • Lightning round: K Scott starts the lightning round by asking what refactoring operations everyone uses most
  • Lightning round: What’s your favorite VM software? (spoiler: VirtualBox wins by a wide margin)
  • Lightning round: What’s your favorite movie that involves an android?

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Herding Code 70 – Sean Chambers on Migrations in .NET

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