F# is Microsoft's first functional programming language to be included as one of Visual Studio's official set of languages. F# is a succinct, efficient, expressive functional/object-oriented programming language under joint development by Microsoft Developer Division and Microsoft Research. During the course of Erik Meijer's fantastic lecture series on functional programming fundamentals several of you asked for examples of specific topics in F#.
In part 2 of this 3 part lecture series (see part 1 here), Dr. Syme provides an overview of the following topics:
Functional Data
Pattern Matching
Imperative Basics
NOTE: Announcing the F# February 2010 Release!
The F# Team says: We’re excited to announce that we have made available a new release of F# along with the Visual Studio 2010 RC and a matching February 2010 F# CTP for VS2008.
In addition, we’ve launched the F# PowerPack as a CodePlex project, enabling this set of valuable F# extensions to continue to grow and improve separately from the stable core F# releases.
Get the slides for this lecture series here.
Read Don's Blog