New WPF controls

This article was originally published in VSJ, which is now part of Developer Fusion.
New and improved WPF controls are among the enhancements in DXperience v2009 vol 1 from DevExpress.

The DXBars Suite extends the WPF toolset with a toolbar-menu system allowing you to emulate Microsoft Office interfaces. End-user drag-and-drop operations are supported and end-users can dock toolbars to any container edge or allow them to float. Main menu and context menu controls can be created, you can share the same commands between toolbars and menus, a status bar control is available and editors can be integrated into toolbars and menus.

New features in DXDocking for WPF which allows you to build applications with docked window interfaces including Visual Studio style glyphs that are displayed during drag and drop operations and serve as drop targets, dock windows can be organised into tabbed containers, built-in close buttons allow end-user to hide unnecessary windows and automatically created splitters allow you to resize dock windows placed side-by-side.

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