Simpler SOA?

This article was originally published in VSJ, which is now part of Developer Fusion.
Fiorano claims that, with its new SOA 2006 Platform, adopting SOA is simpler and less expensive.

Built using Fiorano’s own ESB (Enterprise Service Bus), it provides peer-to-peer messaging, distributed BPEL-compliant business process management and visual tools, together with a model for coarse-grained Business Services. It supports both services and events on a single technology base with a shared component model and common tools for design, development, deployment, security and administration. Some of its notable features are:

  • Composite Components – business components can be aggregated into larger reusable components (controlled using BPEL), which run in a single operating system process so providing performance improvements.
  • Support for a range of new standards: BPEL/JCA/WS/J2EE/JMX.
  • Improved throughput of JMS messages.
  • Enhanced Simple/Distributed Transaction handling – support for simple and distributed transactions across multiple components within a single Composite Component.
  • New Business Component Development Kit (BCDK) – a combination of Java libraries, implementing standard JMS, JCA, JMX interfaces, and an ant-based compilation framework for implementation and deployment of new Business Components. BCDK can also be integrated with Eclipse IDE.
  • Shared Resource Pools – support for resource sharing across multiple instances of components running within a composite component.
More information and a free evaluation download are available from Fiorano.

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