Edward Tanguay
Edward Tanguay updates his personal web site tanguay.info weekly with code, links, quotes and thoughts on web development. Sign up for the free newsletter.
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How to disable all elements on a form
by Edward TanguayYou almost always want to have your form to be disabled as soon as the user pressed the submit button so that the user doesn't accidently submit the form twice. Here's how.
How to run through multiple DataReader results
by Edward TanguayYou can save code by piling SQL statements into one SqlCommand and then getting a DataReader with multiple result sets.
How to access a MySQL database with .NET
by Edward TanguayDemonstrates how to connect to a MySQL database with C#.
Add a JavaScript popup to an ASP.NET button
by Edward TanguayHow to add a javascript popup (alert) question to an ASP.NET button control.
Merge an .exe and a .dll into one .exe
by Edward TanguayHow to merge an .exe and a .dll into one .exe using ilmerge in VS.NET
How to delete records with SqlCommand
by Edward TanguayThis code shows you how to delete records with an SQL statement and get the number of records deleted returned back as an integer.
Placing results from DataReader into an Array
by Edward TanguaySince a connection cannot be used until a DataReader has been closed, it is quite often necessary to read the results of a DataReader into an array, then close the DataReader, then you can process the data in the array while you use the connection for something else. This shows you how.
How to simulate a status bar in a Web application
by Edward TanguayIf you have a process that takes over 20 seconds or so on a Web application, you may want to let the user know the status of the process. Edward shows you how.
How to check to make sure a URL is valid
by Edward TanguayA neat bit of code that checks if a domain is valid and actually exists.
How to create PDF files from ASP.NET pages
by Edward TanguayHow to create PDF files from ASP.NET pages with Crystal Reports without using Visual Studio.NET