WinTasks 4 Professional


For me, the Windows Task Manager is something I couldn't do without.WinTasks 4 Professional is positioned as its replacement for all IT professionals and software developers - and does a very good job too. It's basically a resource management app - providing tonnes of information on running processes, and their memory/cpu usage.

the main window

Once started up (which actually took quite a few seconds on my machine, even with the patch applied from the website) WinTasks presents you with a detailed list of currently running processes. This table includes the process name, its executable path, priority, number of threads, CPU and memory usage, plus the time when that process was started. The window at the bottom also provides a space for your own notes on the process (saved, of course!) and any additional information WinTasks can provide - for example, inetinfo.exe - part of IIS (used for debugging). From this list, you can identify system processes at a glance, end a process, change its priority, and access it's executable's property window.

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“Anyone who considers arithmetic methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin.” - John von Neumann