Ajax Books
Ajax in Action
Published 15 years ago
by Dave Crane, Eric Pascarello, Darren James, Manning Publications
Val's Blog "A tremendously useful field guide specifically written for developers down in the trenches...waiting for the killer solution..." Book Description Web users are getting tired of the traditional web experience. They get frustrated losing their scroll position; they get annoyed waiting for refresh; they struggle to reorient themselves on every new page. And the list goes on. With asynchronous JavaScript and XML, known as "Ajax," you can give them a better experience.
DHTML Utopia Modern Web Design Using JavaScript & DOM
Published 15 years ago
by Stuart Langridge, SitePoint
"Create Killer Websites Using the Power of Modern JavaScript" DHTML Utopia is an easy-to-follow, step-by-step tutorial that will show you how to make your websites more slick, dynamic, and usable. Add dynamic interactivity to your website with DHTML by combining the power of JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets(CSS), and the Document Object Model (DOM) to achieve bulletproof, accessible, standards-compliant, and aesthetically pleasing results that work on all browsers.
JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide, Second Edition
Published 17 years ago
by John Pollock, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
Step-by-step instruction teaches beginning JavaScript programmers and Web designers to create windows, display moving text, and generate sound or other multimedia elements with ease. Uses the successful Beginner's Guide teaching system, which countless new users have praised for giving them a solid foundation in technology.
Programming the Web Using XHTML and JavaScript
Published 18 years ago
by Larry Lagerstrom, Career Education
Programming the Web Using XHTML and JavaScript by Lagerstrom fits in introductory Web-Authoring courses in the community college, university extension or technical schools, or in Web-Scripting courses found in computer science departments. It requires no prior knowledge of HTML or programming. This book was written to offer a straightforward introduction to programming.
Eric Meyer on CSS: Mastering the Language of Web Design (Voices That Matter)
Published 18 years ago
by Eric Meyer, New Riders Press
There are several other books on the market that serve as in-depth technical guides or reference books for CSS. None, however, take a more hands-on approach and use practical examples to teach readers how to solve the problems they face in designing with CSS - until now. Eric Meyer provides a variety of carefully crafted projects that teach how to use CSS and why particular methods were chosen. The web site includes all of the files needed to complete the tutorials in the book.