Database Training & Events in Germany
NoSQL matters 2012 - Cologne, Germany
happened 8 years ago
Under the caption NoSQL matters, Germany’s largest international NoSQL conference will take place from May 29th to May 30th 2012 in Cologne. The event is supposed to give pioneers in this area the opportunity to present recent innovations in the dynamic field of large, scalable, high-performance databases. Among our speakers: Salvatore Sanfilippo (Redis), Jan Lehnard (Couchbase), Olaf Bachmann (Google), Douglass Judd (Hypertable), and Jonathan Ellis (Cassandra)
Amazon Cloud: Tech Summit for Developers and Architects - Berlin, Germany
happened 9 years ago
Attend this half-day event and gain in-depth knowledge of key technical concepts such as running applications and databases using Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS offers a set of simple building block web services that together form a reliable, scalable, and inexpensive computing platform “in the cloud”. During the event, customers will present on their use cases and experiences with AWS.
SQL-Server and .NET-Conference - Frankfurt, Germany
happened 12 years ago
Organised by dFPUG c/o ISYS GmbH
Annual conference of dFPUG about SQL-Server and .NET development
ASP konferenz - UserInterface und Design - Burghausen, Germany
happened 12 years ago
Organised by ppedv AG
Vom 18.-19. Juni 2008 findet die ASP konferenz in Burghausen statt - die Konferenz für Web-Developer und Web-Desinger! Mit Workshops vor sowie nach der Konferenz wird alles in allem Programm für eine komplette Woche geboten. Infos und Anmeldung unter
VSone - Konferenz rund um Visual Studio, .NET, SQL - München, Germany
happened 13 years ago
Organised by ppedv AG
Das Top-Event mit herstellerunabhängigen, kompakten und praxisorientieren Vorträgen zu Visual Studio 2008, .NET 3.5, WPF, Office & .NET, C# 3.0 und vielem mehr - pünktlich zum Launch von Visual Studio 2008!
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