MS Access Training & Events in Europe
Peter Gabryanczyk - Type classes, monads, functional programming can be simple - London, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by London Scala Users' Group
IMPORTANT Sign up at skillsmatter: classes, monads, etc. - functional programming in Scala can be simple!I am quite excited how elegantly we can solve IO-bound problems like DB access with this new set of tools Scala and functional programming provides.I've recently built a simple Cassandra client using actors, type classes and monads while migrating one of our systems at Zeebox from Amazon S3 to Cassandra.It is simple and elegant (I believe
Freelancer Thursday - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The Creativepool Network
For this event we will be joining forces with Superstars.The evening will give Freelancers a chance to chat with an innovative staffing agency and with Creativepool regarding profiles and portfolios on the site etc all in a casual environment.There will be drinks and snacks for everyone attending.We can only have maximum of 100 freelancers attend this event so it is on a first come first serve basis.Join us - we think you will be glad you didAbout Superstars
Martin Odersky's Object-oriented meets functional: An exploration of Scala - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by London .NET Meetup Group
Martin Odesrsky will be holding an exciting 2- day course on exploring Scala.The course introduces you to functional programming and advanced aspects of Scala.You will learn:How to apply functional programming and access the benefits of Scala within your business/orgarnisation.If you are a Systems Architect or a Programmer, this is perfect if you want to gain skills in functional programming and advanced object-oriented techniques using the Scala programming language.
Martin Odersky's Object-oriented meets functional: An exploration of Scala - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by OpenSource & Agile Community Events
Martin Odesrsky will be holding an exciting 2- day course on exploring Scala.The course introduces you to functional programming and advanced aspects of Scala.You will learn:How to apply functional programming and access the benefits of Scala within your business/orgarnisation.
London Geek Nights: Acunu - Fortifying the Big Data stack - London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
Over the last two decades, commodity hardware has changed dramatically. In parallel, Big Data, NOSQL and other non-relational stores are becoming mainstream. Yet these applications access hardware via a legacy storage stack – FS, buffer cache, LVM, RAID – built for the hardware and applications of the 80s. Acunu is rewriting the storage stack for these applications and today's hardware, and at the same time deploying some very new algorithms and techniques.
Martin Odersky's Object-oriented meets functional: An exploration of Scala - London, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
Organised by London .NET Meetup Group
Martin Odesrsky will be holding an exciting 2- day course on exploring Scala.The course introduces you to functional programming and advanced aspects of Scala.You will learn:How to apply functional programming and access the benefits of Scala within your business/orgarnisation.If you are a Systems Architect or a Programmer, this is perfect if you want to gain skills in functional programming and advanced object-oriented techniques using the Scala programming language.
MongoDB & Object Thinking - Woking, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
Organised by DevEvening
MongoDB â mongo like candyCraig HoganA few years ago the idea of not using SQL server (MS access?) to store/manage your data would have been more than scary. However as the NoSQL community gains momentum it seems that some of these relatively âliteâ DB platforms could prove to be play a big part in storing and managing data for future applications. In this session Craig will cover the MongoDB platform from install to working with it in a âliveâ environment.
GeekUp Leeds - 2nd Birthday Party [CakeUp]! - Leeds, United Kingdom
happened 11 years ago
GeekUp Leeds is celebrating being TWO this month! In true tradition, we ask GeekUp folk to bring along a cake, preferably hand-crafted in some way, with an optional geeky theme! PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF VENUE. We've moved temporarily to Mr Foley's as the Lounge terrace is getting a makeover. Regrettably, this means there will be no wheelchair access this month. Apart from there being lots of cake, we will be following the regular format with some 20:20 presentations...
Does Open = Free? An afternoon at Open Mobile Summit, an evening with maddog - City of London, United Kingdom
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The London Android Group.
We?ve teamed up with the organisers of the Open Mobile Summit to create a special presentation for the Android User Group led by one of the Summit?s speakers, the infamous open source visionary and chief advocate of openmoko, Jon 'maddog' Hall. In addition, the organisers are offering 30 qualified apps developers FREE access to the afternoon sessions of the conference on 11th June. For those that would like to attend the whole 2-day conference, we have 10 passes at £500. (retail at £1495).
Access User Group National Seminar - Reading, United Kingdom
happened 12 years ago
Organised by Access User Group
Please join the Access User Group and experts for its well established and highly regarded National Seminar at the Microsoft Campus in Reading. Our experts include; Andy Couch, Derek Goodridge, Eric Nelson, Anoop Patel and Steve Jones.
UK Access User Group, National Seminar - Reading, United Kingdom
happened 12 years ago
The Access User Group is proud to announce that one of the world’s leading exponents of Microsoft Access will be presenting at our national seminar in May. Luke Chung is the CEO of FMS and one of the most entertaining and informative speakers you will ever hear. In addition we are very pleased to have two excellent speakers from the UK community: Mark Whitehorn, database columnist for PCW magazine, and Rob Ward, Continuum Systems.
Regional Meeting - Nottingham, United Kingdom
happened 15 years ago
Organised by Access User Group
This event includes sessions on "From Excel to Access and Back", "Building Better Buttons", "The Pitfalls of Moving from Microsoft Access to SQL Server" and "SQL Server upsize from an inherited application".
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