Ruby Books
Apache Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server
Published 9 years ago
by David Smiley, Eric Pugh, Packt Publishing
Enhance your search with faceted navigation, result highlighting, relevancy ranked sorting, and more *Comprehensive information on Apache Solr 3 with examples and tips so you can focus on the important parts *Integration examples with databases, web-crawlers, XSLT, Java & embedded-Solr, PHP & Drupal, JavaScript, Ruby frameworks *Advice on data modeling, deployment considerations to include security, logging, and monitoring, and advice on scaling Solr and measuring performance
Coding for Penetration Testers: Building Better Tools
Published 9 years ago
by Jason Andress, Ryan Linn, Syngress
Tools used for penetration testing are often purchased or downloaded from the Internet. Each tool is based on a programming language such as Perl, Python, or Ruby. If a penetration tester wants to extend, augment, or change the functionality of a tool to perform a test differently than the default configuration, the tester must know the basics of coding for the related programming language.
Redis: The Definitive Guide: Data modeling, caching, and messaging
Published 9 years ago
by Salvatore Sanfilippo, Pieter Noordhuis, O'Reilly Media
Written by the Redis dream team—including its creator, key developers, and the community itself—this book provides the details you need to implement this advanced key-value data store quickly and discerningly. Database administrators, architects, and programmers will learn how to work with different data structures in Redis, how to handle memory, replication, and the cache itself, and how to implement messaging, using just the shell or programming APIs in Ruby, Python, and JavaScript.
HBase: The Definitive Guide
Published 9 years ago
by Lars George, O'Reilly Media
If your organization is looking for a storage solution to accommodate a virtually endless amount of data, this book will show you how Apache HBase can fulfill your needs. As the open source implementation of Google's BigTable architecture, HBase scales to billions of rows and millions of columns, while ensuring that write and read performance remain constant.
Agile Web Development with Rails
Published 10 years ago
by Sam Ruby, Dave Thomas, David Heinemeier Hansson, Pragmatic Bookshelf
Ruby on Rails helps you produce high-quality, beautiful-looking web applications quickly. You concentrate on creating the application, and Rails takes care of the details.Tens of thousands of developers have used this award-winning book to learn Rails. It's a broad, far-reaching tutorial and reference that's recommended by the Rails core team. If you're new to Rails, you'll get step-by-step guidance.
Eloquent Ruby (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)
Published 10 years ago
by Russ Olsen, Addison-Wesley Professional
It’s easy to write correct Ruby code, but to gain the fluency needed to write great Ruby code, you must go beyond syntax and absorb the “Ruby way” of thinking and problem solving. In Eloquent Ruby, Russ Olsen helps you write Ruby like true Rubyists do–so you can leverage its immense, surprising power.Olsen draws on years of experience internalizing the Ruby culture and teaching Ruby to other programmers.
Using JRuby: Bringing Ruby to Java
Published 10 years ago
by Charles O Nutter, Thomas Enebo, Nick Sieger, Ola Bini, Ian Dees, Pragmatic Bookshelf
Using JRuby helps experienced Java hands and Rubyists see what's on the other side of the fence--and bring the best of Ruby to the broad universe of Java environments.With JRuby, you can:Run your interpreted or compiled Ruby program in environments where the Java Virtual Machine is a requirement. Treat JRuby as a "better Ruby," with faster performance for some uses and hassle-free linkage to third-party code. Make your Java program scriptable with Ruby.
Gray Hat Hacking The Ethical Hackers Handbook, 3rd Edition
Published 10 years ago
by Allen Harper, Shon Harris, Jonathan Ness, Chris Eagle, Gideon Lenkey, Terron Williams, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
THE LATEST STRATEGIES FOR UNCOVERING TODAY'S MOST DEVASTATING ATTACKSThwart malicious network intrusion by using cutting-edge techniques for finding and fixing security flaws. Fully updated and expanded with nine new chapters, Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker's Handbook, Third Edition details the most recent vulnerabilities and remedies along with legal disclosure methods.
Ubuntu Unleashed 2011 Edition: Covering 10.10 and 11.04 (6th Edition)
Published 10 years ago
by Matthew Helmke, Ryan Troy, Andrew Hudson, Paul Hudson, Sams Publishing
Ubuntu Unleashed 2011 Edition presents advanced coverage of the popular Ubuntu distribution of Linux. Windows users, Mac users, and Linux enthusiasts have been increasingly turning to Ubuntu for a user-friendly and easy-to-use Linux distribution that remains useful to power users.This book provides detailed information on installing, using, and administering Ubuntu.
Rails 3 Way, The (2nd Edition) (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)
Published 10 years ago
by Obie Fernandez, Addison-Wesley Professional
The Rails™ 3 Way is a comprehensive resource that digs into the new features in Rails 3 and perhaps more importantly, the rationale behind them.—Yehuda Katz, Rails CoreThe Bible for Ruby on Rails Application DevelopmentRuby on Rails strips complexity from the development process, enabling professional developers to focus on what matters most: delivering business value via clean and maintainable code.