Ruby Training & Events in Asia
Ruby on Rails and ping pong - Mumbai, India
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Mumbai Tech and Software Professionals
This is our monthly social meetup in Bandra for drinks and tech discussion the fourth Tuesday of every month.Share things you're working on and present your products.A great way to meet colleagues in a casual, laid back setting.
Ruby on Rails and ping pong - Mumbai, India
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Mumbai Tech and Software Professionals
This is our monthly social meetup in Bandra for drinks and tech discussion the fourth Tuesday of every month.Share things you're working on and present your products.A great way to meet colleagues in a casual, laid back setting.
Ruby on Rails and ping pong - Mumbai, India
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Mumbai Tech and Software Professionals
This is our monthly social meetup in Bandra for drinks and tech discussion the fourth Tuesday of every month.Share things you're working on and present your products.A great way to meet colleagues in a casual, laid back setting.
Ruby on Rails and ping pong - Mumbai, India
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Mumbai Tech and Software Professionals
This is our monthly social meetup in Bandra for drinks and tech discussion the fourth Tuesday of every month.Share things you're working on and present your products.A great way to meet colleagues in a casual, laid back setting.
Ruby on Rails and ping pong - Mumbai, India
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Mumbai Tech and Software Professionals
This is our monthly social meetup in Bandra for drinks and tech discussion the fourth Tuesday of every month.Share things you're working on and present your products.A great way to meet colleagues in a casual, laid back setting.
Blue Pill or Red Pill - Choose your Neo4j projects! - Pune, India
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Neo4j India
While trying to come up with a topic for the next meetup, we considered a possibility of having the community hacking into their favorite platforms/technology and building concepts on top of Neo4j. The last Bootcamp for Neo4j Beginners saw Java programmers along with Ruby, PHP, Scala and Clojure enthusiasts actively participating in a short coding session. Let's continue the momentum by doing what we do best, hack!
Ruby on Rails and ping pong - Mumbai, India
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Mumbai Tech and Software Professionals
This is our monthly social meetup in Bandra for drinks and tech discussion the fourth Tuesday of every month.Share things you're working on and present your products.A great way to meet colleagues in a casual, laid back setting.
Ruby Meetup: PUT PATCH REST and Rails & Backbone Screencasts and Implementation - New Delhi, India
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The New Delhi Ruby Meetup Group
I) Workshop 1 - PUT PATCH REST and Rails We will be discussing what is wrong with current implementation of PUT HTTP verb in Rails. How PATCH handles it and the future of PUT in Rails.II) Workshop 2 - Viewing of Backbone Screencasts (Part 1 and 2) and then some implementation based on it
Ruby on Rails and ping pong - Mumbai, India
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Mumbai Tech and Software Professionals
This is our monthly social meetup in Bandra for drinks and tech discussion the fourth Tuesday of every month.Share things you're working on and present your products.A great way to meet colleagues in a casual, laid back setting.
Ruby on Rails and ping pong - Mumbai, India
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Mumbai Tech and Software Professionals
This is our monthly social meetup in Bandra for drinks and tech discussion the fourth Tuesday of every month.Share things you're working on and present your products.A great way to meet colleagues in a casual, laid back setting.
Ruby on Rails and ping pong - Mumbai, India
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Mumbai Tech and Software Professionals
This is our monthly social meetup in Bandra for drinks and tech discussion the fourth Tuesday of every month.Share things you're working on and present your products.A great way to meet colleagues in a casual, laid back setting.
Ruby on Rails and ping pong - Mumbai, India
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Mumbai Tech and Software Professionals
This month's agenda:1. Ping pong2. Live demonstration of contributing to the Ruby core3. Attendees share what they're working on
BKK Web Meetup - Feb 2011 - Ruby on Rails Session - Somdet Chao Phraya, Thailand
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Web Design, UX Design & Web Development Meetup Group in BKK
Location: you are lost, call me at 08-2705-1042Jeremie
June Ruby Meetup - Sessions on Android and Cucumber - New Delhi, India
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The New Delhi Ruby Meetup Group
June Ruby meetup has been confirmed for 19th (Saturday) at 11 AM. We are going to have 2 very interesting workshops in this meetupWorkshop : CucumberAbout : Cucumber is fast becoming the standard for acceptance testing in Rails. This workshop will introduce behavior-driven development with cucumber to developers, business analysts and testers.Workshop : Android 101
May Ruby Meetup - Up and Running with Rails 3 and iPhone Development - New Delhi, India
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The New Delhi Ruby Meetup Group
May Ruby meetup has been confirmed for 15th (Saturday) at 11 AM. We are going to have 2 very interesting workshops in this meetupWorkshop : iPhone 101Audience: The workshop is aimed at new developers and anyone interested in getting started with iPhone application development.
April Ruby Meetup - New Delhi, India
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The New Delhi Ruby Meetup Group
April Ruby meetup has been confirmed for 24 April (saturday) at 11 AM.We are looking for speakers. If you would like to present a session at this event, send an email to kapil at vinsol dot com. Don't assume that only advanced topics are accepted. We encourage beginner ruby to intermediate to advanced ruby or rails talks.There is no pay for speaking. The reward is rubyist's ovation and fame forever in Delhi Ruby community.
Pune Rails Meetup #3 - Pune, India
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Pune Rails Meetup
You are all welcome to the Pune Rails #3. We are organizing some cutting-edge talks in Ruby and Rails.4pm - 5pm Introduction to Rails 3.5pm - 6pm Ruby Meta-Programming.6pm - 6.30pm Lightening Talks6.30pm - 7pm Showndown7pm onwards network and socialize!Showdown topics and details shall be posted soon.People interested in giving quick 5-10 minutes lightening talks should register before the start of the program with the event co-ordinator.
March Ruby Meetup - New Delhi, India
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The New Delhi Ruby Meetup Group
March Ruby meetup has been confirmed for 27th March (saturday) at 11 AM.If you would like to present a session at this event, send an email to kapil at vinsol dot com .If you are looking for sessions on some specific area in ruby or rails, please let us know. Thoughts welcome. Presentation proposals very welcome.For any updates related to this event, you can check our secondary communication channel a.k.a twitter account at
January Ruby Meetup - ??? ??????, India
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The New Delhi Ruby Meetup Group
January Ruby meetup has been confirmed for 23th(saturday) at 11 AM.Workshop : Exploring Ruby 1.9Topics : Fiber, M17N and a few moreLevel : IntermediatePrerequisite : Knowledge of ruby.Speaker : Hemant Khemani - Sr. Developer - VinsolIf you would like to present a session at this event, send an email to kapil at vinsol dot com .If you are looking for sessions on some specific area in ruby or rails, please let us know. Thoughts welcome.
Ruby December Meetup - ??? ??????, India
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The New Delhi Ruby Meetup Group
December Ruby meetup has been confirmed for 19th (saturday) at 11 AM. If you would like to present a session at this event, send an email to kapil at vinsol dot com . If you are looking for sessions on some specific area in ruby or rails, please let us know. Thoughts welcome. Presentation proposals very welcome. For any updates related to this event, you can check our secondary communication channel a.k.a twitter account at www.twitter.
Pune Ruby on Rails Meetup - Pune, India
happened 11 years ago
Hang out with other Rails geeks in Pune, discuss what’s hot, learn about the bleeding edge and find other like minded people on Rails! Sessions: * Introduction (conducted Session introducing practicioners and their apps on Rails) * BlankApplication (Vincent – ThinkDry) * my experience at Lone Star Ruby Conference (Gautam, Josh Software) * Engine Yard Cloud (Anthony, Sapna) * General Open Forum – ask questions to other rails practicioners * other spontaneous talks This event is free for all to at
Ruby November Meetup - ??? ??????, India
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The New Delhi Ruby Meetup Group
November Ruby meetup has been confirmed for 21st (saturday) at 11 AM. If you would like to present a session at this event, send an email to kapil at vinsol dot com . Workshop : What's new in Ruby / Rails(october edition)? Level : Basic / Intermediate Prerequisite : Basic Knowledge of ruby/rails. Detail : A lot of new stuff is happening in the ruby/rails world. And we will brainstorm defender, resque, munin, hashie,clarity etc.
Ruby October Meetup - Delhi, India
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The New Delhi Ruby Meetup Group
October Ruby meetup has been confirmed for 31st (saturday) at 11 AM. If you would like to present a session at this event, send an email to kapil at vinsol dot com . If you are looking for sessions on some specific area in ruby or rails, please let us know. For any updates related to this event, you can check our secondary communication channel a.k.a twitter account at And , don't forget to RSVP for this october event.
The Kolkata Ruby October Meetup - Kolkata, India
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The Kolkata Ruby Meetup Group
1. Informal meet for the Ruby, Rails developers. 2. Discuss and decide milestones for the group.
London Geek Nights: Heroku - London, United Kingdom, Afghanistan
happened 11 years ago
Organised by London Geek Nights
Adam Wiggins of Heroku (a Cloud Computing service that charges as you scale) will be talking about the exciting mash of exciting technologies that power Heroku (Erlang, RabbitMQ, Postgres, Git) and about founding, creating and developing an ambitious tech startup. Heroku is one of the most exciting startups out there at the moment because it makes the Cloud immediately available to Ruby developers everywhere.
London Geek Nights: Heroku - London, United Kingdom, Afghanistan
happened 11 years ago
Organised by London Geek Nights
Adam Wiggins of Heroku (a Cloud Computing service that charges as you scale) will be talking about the exciting mash of exciting technologies that power Heroku (Erlang, RabbitMQ, Postgres, Git) and about founding, creating and developing an ambitious tech startup. Heroku is one of the most exciting startups out there at the moment because it makes the Cloud immediately available to Ruby developers everywhere.
The Kolkata Ruby September Meetup - Kolkata, India
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The Kolkata Ruby Meetup Group
TOPICS: A short 30 minute presentation for beginners."Getting Started with Ruby -- Tools, Hints, and Resources". A handout CD-ROM will be available to everyone who RSVP'ed. But you'll have to stay until the end. :-)
First Introductory Meeting - Chuo Ward, Japan
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Tokyo Ruby On Rails Group
----------------------- Agenda: 1. Group and members introductions 2. Discussion of group organization, future projects and plans. 3. Planing of our group promotions, presentations/demonstrations. 4. Start of new on line web seminars and multimedia video lessons for Ruby on Rails and other platforms. ----------------------- Meeting place we will decide later depending on number of new members and inform You soon!
The Kolkata Ruby August Meetup - Kolkata, India
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The Kolkata Ruby Meetup Group
TOPICS: A short 30 minute presentation for beginners. "Getting Started with Ruby -- Tools, Hints, and Resources". A handout CD-ROM will be available to everyone who RSVP'ed. But you'll have to stay until the end. :-)
The Bangkok Ruby on Rails June Meetup - Somdet Chao Phraya, Thailand
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The Bangkok Ruby on Rails Meetup Group
Lets meet up and make connections with agile rails programmers. My phone number is 08-0606-5000 See everyone there. kelly
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