Ruby Training & Events in Europe
In The Brain of Michael Feathers - Functional Pipeline Design in Ruby - London, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Skills Matter
IMPORTANT - Skills Matter will be managing registrations - You must sign up here! - are extremely excited to announce we will be welcoming Michael C. Feathers to Skills Matter for an evening talk on February 26th on 'Functional Pipeline Design in Ruby
Gojko Adzic's BDD for Developers - Two day course - London, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Leading developer, architect and author of "Bridging the Communication Gap" and "Specification by Example" Gojko Adzic, will be delivering a two-day hands-on BDD for Developers course, helping you gain the skills you need to apply the ideas and practices of BDD to solve real-world problems. Through a combination of simulations and practical hands-on exercises, you will learn how to apply the ideas of feature injection and effect maps to derive the right scope from business goals.
London Ruby User Group : LRUG November Meetup - London, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Join us at Skills Matter on November 12th for two talks at this month's LRUG. We have talks by Andrew Nesbitt on 'An introduction to Rubymotion' and Khash Sajadi on 'Background processing in Ruby (and Rails)' An introduction to Rubymotion: Writing iOS apps with Ruby Rubymotion lets you write native iOS apps in Ruby, this talk explores the toolkit and the community that has sprung up around it. Background processing in Ruby (and Rails)
October Meetup - Connect4 Inter-WMRUG AI Championship in Ruby - Birmingham, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by West Midlands Ruby User Group (WMRUG)
*Socialising & Introduction: 7pm *Pizza & Drinks *Lightning Talk 1: Terminal productivity boost with tmux ~ Dan *Lightning Talk 2: The best bits of (Mac)Vim ~ Andy *Programming: Connect4 Inter-WMRUG AI Championship in Ruby ~ Shaun *Close & (Maybe) Pub: 10:00pm+Following on from our very successful Battleships AI challenge, we're running a Connect 4 championship!Bring your laptops and thinking caps.
Ruby EventMachine - programare bazata pe evenimente - Cluj-Napoca, Romania
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Cluj.rb
EventMachine este un gem care implementeaza Reactor Pattern () si permite implementarea unor programe de performante ridicate si foarte scalabile.Reactor Pattern este ceea ce sta si la baza lui node.js.Prezinta: Florin Oltean
Vierde middleware meetup: PaaS frenzy! - Amsterdam, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Amsterdam Middleware Borrel
Het wordt weer hoog tijd voor een Amsterdam Middleware Meetup! Op 26 september organiseren we een kennis marktplaats rondom Platform-as-a-Service technologie.Er zijn zoveel verschillende oplossingen dat het zwart voor je ogen ziet: Er zijn public, private en hybrid PaaS varianten, er zijn er met ondersteuning voor Java, Ruby, Node.JS, MongoDB en RabbitMQ en er zijn er die volledig production-ready, public beta of net in ontwikkeling zijn.
August Meetup - Birmingham, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by West Midlands Ruby User Group (WMRUG)
Rich Grundy & Rob Williams will be doing a talk entitled "Rails Optimisation for kids who don't optimise too good"Followed by: "Ruby newbies - workshop session" everyone gets a chance to ask questions to the more experienced rubyists in the room.
Metrics-driven engineering at - London, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by London Web Performance Group
Inspired by this talk at Velocity 2011 () the guys from (the online companion to the Lonely Planet travel books and now part of the BBC) decided to apply these principals to their own website.This presentation will offer a "warts and all" view of trying to use open-source tools like Statsd, Graphite (and their own bespoke Ruby Gem they build for the data collection) to move web engineering from "guess work" to "science".1830 - registration and drinks
Gojko Adzic's BDD for Developers - Two day course - London, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Leading developer, architect and author of "Bridging the Communication Gap" and "Specification by Example" Gojko Adzic, will be delivering a two-day hands-on BDD for Developers course, helping you gain the skills you need to apply the ideas and practices of BDD to solve real-world problems. Through a combination of simulations and practical hands-on exercises, you will learn how to apply the ideas of feature injection and effect maps to derive the right scope from business goals.
July Meetup - Birmingham, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by West Midlands Ruby User Group (WMRUG)
Report from the Scottish Ruby Conference held in Edinburgh earlier in the month - QuentinSample Ruby development exercise - Omar
Ruby Saturday - Cluj-Napoca, Romania
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Cluj.rb
As we talked on the last meetup, the plan was to have a ruby Staturday event, with the following agenda:1. Ruby Crash Course2. Ruby Koans Marathon3. Lightning Talks- 5 minutes talk about ruby gems and other technologies.- the talks will be held by anyone who has something interesting to share.- who wants to hold a lighting talk? (just post a comment)We expect the all event to be around 5-6 hours, hence the pizza and beverages can be supported by us or by sponsorship.
Gojko Adzic's BDD for Developers - Two day course - London, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Leading developer, architect and author of "Bridging the Communication Gap" and "Specification by Example" Gojko Adzic, will be delivering a two-day hands-on BDD for Developers course, helping you gain the skills you need to apply the ideas and practices of BDD to solve real-world problems. Through a combination of simulations and practical hands-on exercises, you will learn how to apply the ideas of feature injection and effect maps to derive the right scope from business goals.
Copenhagen.rb March 2012 meeting - København V, Denmark
happened 8 years ago
The monthly gathering of Ruby users in Copenhagen. The agenda so far: - DCI (Data, Context, Interaction) by Jim Coplien () The agenda is – as always – up to you, so if you have something you want to share with the rest of us, please shout out on the mailing list
Copenhagen.rb February 2012 meeting - København V, Denmark
happened 9 years ago
The monthly gathering of Ruby users in Copenhagen. The agenda is – as always – up to you, so if you have something you want to share with the rest of us, please shout out on the mailing list
Februarmøde - Aarhus, Denmark
happened 9 years ago
Organised by aarhus.rb
*Ruby og Phidgets med hardware! v. Jonas *ooapi.rb (NemID uden JRuby) v. Ole *Thrift v. Jacob
Leeds Ruby Thing - Leeds, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Leeds offshoot of the North West Ruby User Group / Expect unstructured discussion of Ruby, Ruby on Rails and other random stuff plus nice people, great beer, coffee and geeky tshirts. Everyone welcome. Any issues, give me a ring on +44 7960 268 100 (Caius Durling)
BRUG monthly meeting - , United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Bristol Ruby User Group #brug
First Bristol Ruby User Group of the year!Nicolas Alpi will talk about SpreePaul Springet will talk about Rusic.com1 slot available for a last talk, anyone interested?
Copenhagen.rb January 2012 meeting - København V, Denmark
happened 9 years ago
The monthly gathering of Ruby users in Copenhagen. On the agenda is "Text Editor Showdown 2012". Suggestions: * Emacs * RubyMine * Sublime Text * TextMate 2 * Vim Who wants to demo their favorite awesome editor? The agenda is – as always – up to you, so if you have something you want to share with the rest of us, please shout out on the mailing list
London Ruby User Group : I18n and Judge - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
This is the first London Ruby User Group meeting of 2012, bringing talks from Chris McGrath on I18n, and Joe Corcoran on Judge. In the first session for LRUG, Chris McGrath will talk about lessons learned localising a rails app into nine different languages, including: Why we localised our app Why you might want to use rails i18n even if you’re only planning one language A little bit about how the i18n gem works for those unfamiliar with it Common problems you’ll have and ways to work around the
Heroku Hackday - Berlin, Germany
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Graph Database - Berlin
With the Neo4j Add-On going public beta next week, I'd like to do a hackday providing sample apps with Neo4j in all supported languages as a complete github repository. That means we would hack on Ruby, Python, Node.js, Java, Scala, Clojure PHP apps using their REST driver support for Neo4j server. E.g. neography, architect4r, py2neo, neo4js, rest-graphdb, neo4jPHP, bulbflow, neo4j-scala-template, clojure-neo4j-rest. Either we will align on a app + dataset (e.g. movie-db related)
Symptomatic Presents: Son of Eagle - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Son Of Eagle The momentum of Son of Eagle’s growing sound and ability is matched by the increasing exposure they are receiving. The band has been featured on BBC introducing, as well as playing a multitude of well-received festival slots including Y-Not Festival and the main stage at Headstock Festival. Signed to Expat records the band has released their debut album “From the Ground” and have signed to publishing powerhouse Bucks Music.
Bi-monthly Meetup - Waterloo venuecity1000, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Rails Business (UK)
Our regular bimonthly coffee and chat.As normal, there's no set agenda: just turn up and discuss ruby in the business community.For contractors and owners of small shops specialising in ruby development, and anyone interested in similar subjects subjects.See you at 11am at the Benugo Bar!
GeekUp Nottingham - Nottingham, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Nottingham Digital Events
We're going to do a coding Dojo in Ruby.Bring your laptops and your learning heads!
Leeds Ruby Thing - Leeds, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Leeds offshoot of the North West Ruby User Group / Expect unstructured discussion of Ruby, Ruby on Rails and other random stuff plus nice people, great beer, coffee and geeky tshirts. Everyone welcome. Any issues, give me a ring on +44 (0) 7960 268 100 (Caius Durling)
Node.js Server side JS Really? - Hereford, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
Node.js is an event-driven I/O server-side JavaScript (built on V8 JavaScript engine) environment for Unix-like platforms. It is intended for writing scalable network programs such as web servers. It was created by Ryan Dahl in 2009, and its growth is sponsored by Joyent, which employs Dahl. Node.js is similar in purpose to Twisted for Python, Perl Object Environment for Perl, libevent for C and EventMachine for Ruby. Unlike most JavaScript, it is not executed in a web browser, but is instead.
Leeds Ruby Thing - Leeds, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Leeds offshoot of the North West Ruby User Group / Expect unstructured discussion of Ruby, Ruby on Rails and other random stuff plus nice people, great beer, coffee and geeky tshirts. Everyone welcome. Any issues, give me a ring on +44 (0) 7960 268 100 (Caius Durling)
Minimalist s/w Development - Essex, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
Traditional .NET development frameworks tend to be big, and cover all possible eventualities, and for many projects this is A Good Thing.But for just as many, if not more, projects, a full web stack like ASP.NET or a complex ORM like Entity Framework or NHibernate is just overkill, and adds unnecessary complexity. This is A Bad Thing.In this talk, Mark will look at some of the smaller, more focussed frameworks, libraries and tools, and how to use them to create applications with less code
In The Brain of Kito Mann: Polyglot JavaServer Faces - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Skills Matter
We often hear about how new languages like Groovy, Ruby, or Scala can speed up development and reduce boilerplate code. What isn't always clear is how to apply these languages to JavaServer Faces applications.In this session, Kito Mann will look at different techniques for using other languages with JSF. We'll look at built-in Groovy support in Mojarra, using Groovy as a DSL for JSF views with Gracelets, JRuby integration with Spring, and examine writing JSF applications with Scala.
Bi-monthly Meetup - Waterloo venuecity1000, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Rails Business (UK)
Our regular bimonthly coffee and chat.As normal, there's no set agenda: just turn up and discuss ruby in the business community.For contractors and owners of small shops specialising in ruby development, and anyone interested in similar subjects subjects.See you at 11am at the Benugo Bar!
Jonas Boner's Pragmatic Real-World Scala - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Scala expert (and creator of the Akka framework) Jonas Boner, will run this intensive two day Pragmatic Real-World Scala course where you can learn all you need to know about Scala, one of the most interesting new languages for the JVM. A unique and elegant blend of the Object-Oriented (OO) and Functional Programming (FP) paradigms, Scala is pragmatic and practical with seamless interoperability with Java.
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