Ruby Training & Events in Oceania
Regular monthly meetup - , Australia
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Sydney Mobile Development Meetup Group
The meetings are held either in the Pool room or the Ruby lounge, which are both off the Kippax lounge, upstairs at the Aurora Hotel.
Regular monthly meetup - Sydney, Australia
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Sydney Mobile Development Meetup Group
The meetings are held either in the Pool room or the Ruby lounge, which are both off the Kippax lounge, upstairs at the Aurora Hotel.
Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group Monthly Meetup - Auckland, New Zealand
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group
Ok things have limped along a bit this year but I would like to make some changes. Next meeting we care going to discuss getting rid of bad management (me!) and getting a new organiser (could be you). I've done an OK job of things until recently but I think the group needs to be managed by somebody who uses Ruby/Rails every day and really makes it part of their life.We need a talk for next meet up so I will try and get that lined up this week ... volunteer now!
Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group Monthly Meetup - Auckland, New Zealand
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group
Meetups planned for 2011:June: How to: act_asJuly: Mercurial and Bitbucket by JuriAugust: Rails 3 for Beginners - TongSome more ideas (volunteers needed):VoltDB Basics and Using VoltDB in RailsContinuous Integration (Hudson etc.)AutotestCool GemsUnderstanding ActiveModel
Meetup #9: Ruby Version Manager (and rbenv) - Adelaide, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Adelaide.rb Meetup Group
RVM is becoming an essential part of the Rubyists toolkit. Anthony Richardson will tell us why at Meeting 9.
A Series of Lightening Talks - Spring Hill, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Brisbane Functional Programming Group (BFG)
This month we're having a few short sessions in various functional topics: 1. Tom Adams will kick things off with a session called "Using Functional Java with Android". 2. Sam Roberts is up next and will aim to give us a quick introduction to Comonads. 3. Nick Partridge will follow up with a session called "ADTs in Ruby". 4. Time-permitting Tony Morris will end the night with "Scala+iteratees, in production, today, for real". Isn't it though. Fo' sho
Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group Monthly Meetup - Auckland, New Zealand
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group
It's finally going to happen! Next week I do a talk on:VoltDB Basics and Using VoltDB in Rails (or just Ruby)Do not miss out on this super fast in memory database extravaganza! RSVP NOW!Other IdeasContinuous Integration (Hudson etc.)AutotestCool GemsUnderstanding ActiveModel
Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group Monthly Meetup - Auckland, New Zealand
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group
Meetups planned for 2011:February: A Ruby Site I Made ... Inspirational Org - MattMarch: JRuby on App Engine 1.4 - Ram aka Java LoverApril: Ruboto Ruby on Android - AbhishekMay: Capistrano - volunteer neededJune: Rails 3 for Beginners - TongJuly: Test Driven Development (TDD) in Ruby / Rails (Cucumber,rSpec, TestUnit, Steak etc.)Some more ideas (volunteers needed):VoltDB Basics and Using VoltDB in RailsContinuous Integration (Hudson etc.
Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group Monthly Meetup - Auckland, New Zealand
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group
Abhishek does Sinatra! ... er he'll give us a presentation on writing Sinatra web appsMeetups planned for 2011:TBA: A Ruby Site I Made ... Inspirational Org - MattTBA: JRuby on App Engine 1.4 - Ram aka Java LoverApril: Ruboto Ruby on Android - AbhishekMay: Capistrano - volunteer neededJune: Rails 3 for Beginners - TongJuly: Test Driven Development (TDD) in Ruby / Rails (Cucumber,rSpec, TestUnit, Steak etc.)Some more ideas (volunteers needed)
Continuing Rails from the Ground Up - Toowong, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The Brisbane Ruby and Rails Brigade
Continuation to Ruby on Rails TrainingContinuing from last months where we built a simple contact/company manager, we will go into more specifics about:- *ActiveRecord (database ORM) *Nested named paths (Routing) *Building logic into Models *Finishing off the nesting *SearchingThen show using gems like Devise for authentication And then learn how to deploy our app to Rails free hosting (
7 Languages in 7 slides @ Barcamp Gold Coast - Gold Coast, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Barcamp Queensland
Craig Aspinall is going to run a language tutorial in parallel to Barcamp. It's a chance to get a quick look at 7 different languages. The idea is not to learn the languages in great detail, but to understand the core programming concepts they demonstrate.It is based on the book 7 Languages in 7 Days by Bruce Tate.The languages are: *Ruby *Io *Prolog *C *Haskell *Scala *Clojure
Rails from the Ground Up - Toowong, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The Brisbane Ruby and Rails Brigade
Introduction to Ruby and RailsContinuing from last months great meetup with almost 40 people attending, we will revise and have open questions about the Ruby we learnt and start on a Rails AppSchedule:- Revise last months examples ( Intro to blocks and yield- Start a Rails appDON'T BE SHY!COME AND MEET THE COMMUNITY!Confirming a sponsor for dinner again so RSVP asap. (limit 40 people)
DevOps Melbourne - Meetup #2 - Melbourne, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by DevOps Melbourne
Announcing the headline speaker for the March meetup will be John Barton and gang from Envato:"What we do culturally and technically at Envato that allows 8 developers to deploy 5 times a day to a Ruby on Rails application that receives around 18 million page requests a week... without anyone freaking out"In addition to this we will be holding some lightning talks - each being just five minutes long. Please contact me in advance to register your talk.
Monthly Meeting - West Perth, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Ruby on Rails Oceania
Ritchie (and John?) will talk about using Vim for Ruby and Rails development.Mark is going to talk about database migrations, with a focus on keeping your migrations truly database-agnostic.
Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group Monthly Meetup - Auckland, New Zealand
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group
This month Leslie will be giving a talk on RSpec and CucumberGet your test on!Meetups planned for 2011:TBA: JRuby on App Engine 1.4 - Ram aka Java LoverApril: Ruboto Ruby on Android - AbhishekMay: Capistrano - volunteer neededJune: A Ruby Site I Made ... Inspirational Org - MattJuly: Rails 3 for Beginners - TongAugust: Test Driven Development (TDD) in Ruby / Rails (Cucumber,rSpec, TestUnit, Steak etc.)Some more ideas (volunteers needed)
Ruby from the Ground Up - Spring Hill, Australia
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The Brisbane Ruby and Rails Brigade
Introduction to Ruby... The language behind the Rails Framework.If you are new to Ruby or would like to know more, come along this month and meet the group and learn Ruby.Bring your notebook and follow along and learn interactively....DONT BE SHY!THIS IS THE MONTH EVERYONE WILL BE NEW AT THE MEETUP!!!!!We will also have people helping people to get your notebook setup with Ruby and ready for Rails...Next month: Continuation of Ruby Introduction and RAILS basics.
Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group Monthly Meetup - Auckland, New Zealand
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group
Meetups planned for 2011:February: A Ruby Site I Made ... Inspirational Org - MattMarch: JRuby on App Engine 1.4 - Ram aka Java LoverApril: Ruboto Ruby on Android - AbhishekMay: Capistrano - volunteer neededJune: Rails 3 for Beginners - TongJuly: Test Driven Development (TDD) in Ruby / Rails (Cucumber,rSpec, TestUnit, Steak etc.)Some more ideas (volunteers needed):VoltDB Basics and Using VoltDB in RailsContinuous Integration (Hudson etc.
Ruby Nights: This weeks meetup is rescheduled - Auckland, New Zealand
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group
Thanks to Ram for last months JRuby presentation, that was a great summary (my apologies for messing up the meetup description). The next meetup will be a follow on from that as I show how you can use JRuby to run a top notch graph database called Neo4J via neo4jrb. Think 'links thousands sub second'!BUT ... I have to be at a conference this week and since I am the principal host and presenter of this months meetup ... I thought it would be best to postpone it to next week i.e.
May Meetup - West Perth, Australia
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Ruby on Rails Oceania
Darcy is going to talk about the Ruby Summer of Code project.Aaron is going to give us another (more detailed) run through of Pivotal Tracker, now that he has 12 more months experience with it.Adam will follow up from Aaron by rehashing his talk from the Hong Kong Ruby on Rails Meetup. He'll discuss Story Mapper, a system built on top of Pivotal Tracker.As usual, there'll be beer and pizza too!
The Brisbane Ruby and Rails Brigade Monthly Meetup - Spring Hill, Australia
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The Brisbane Ruby and Rails Brigade
Time for some more web development that doesn't hurt.Come and share whatever you've been haxing on lately. And then down the road for a natter over food and drinks.Now, where was that Rails 3.0 release again.
Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group Monthly Meetup - Auckland, New Zealand
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group
Last months meetup was the busiest for while. It was great to meet all of you.We've got a rough plan of talks for the next few months let me know if you want to jump in and do your own talk this is not cast in stone.10/03/10Postgres Performance the Rails WayMarcus 'Git Master'14/04/10DPS Payment Gateway Daniel 'The German Engineer' Pietszch12/05/10Rails 3 Marcus 'Git Master'09/06/10Ruby IP Servers Justin Wood10/07/10My Ruby Favourites Everyone
The Brisbane Ruby and Rails Brigade April Meetup - Spring Hill, Australia
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The Brisbane Ruby and Rails Brigade
Time for some more web development that doesn't hurt.Come and share whatever you've been haxing on lately. And then down the road for a natter over food and drinks.Now, where was that Rails 3.0 release again.
Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group April Meetup - Auckland, New Zealand
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group
Last months meetup was the busiest for while. It was great to meet all of you.We've got a rough plan of talks for the next few months let me know if you want to jump in and do your own talk this is not cast in stone.10/03/10Postgres Performance the Rails WayMarcus 'Git Master'14/04/10DPS Payment Gateway Daniel 'The German Engineer' Pietszch12/05/10Rails 3 Marcus 'Git Master'09/06/10Ruby IP Servers Justin Wood10/07/10My Ruby Favourites Everyone
The Brisbane Ruby and Rails Brigade March Meetup - Spring Hill, Australia
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The Brisbane Ruby and Rails Brigade
With the recently released beta of Rails 3, we have a lot interesting new territory to cover tonight.Come and join in the fun. Then down the road for dinner and beers after.
Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group March Meetup - Auckland, New Zealand
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group
Last months meetup was dismal affair with with a poor turn out ... but considering the time of year it's perfectly understandable. Marcus however is always keen to show off and he did an excellent, off the cuff, demo of Git and GitHub which made us enthusiastic about ditching SVN for good (now all Dan and I have to do is convince our Windows loving contractors to make the switch
Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group February Meetup - Auckland, New Zealand
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group
Last Months month saw us hitting a round robin, from scratch, development, to demonstrate Rails to noobs and ourselves! Everyone took a turn at the console and nifty tricks were learnt by all. Then we kicked off a short but intense discussion and demonstration of Ruby as used to write servers and wrote up some on the fly demos of distributed processing applications/frameworks. I was amazed and so was everyone else ... 'That is so cool. I can make a million bucks with that thing!' - Ruitao
Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group January Meetup - Auckland, New Zealand
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group
Last Months meetup was off the hook! Dan showed us how to provide single sign on security across different servers, Ruitao showed us some nifty performance reporting scripts (See his post) and I gave a quick run down on cloud computing options. This month is going to be a lot more free format with some casual demos on key functionality for Rails and Ruby newbies. If you are interested in Ruby/Rails and you'd like to be shown the ropes then come along.
The Brisbane Ruby and Rails Brigade December Meetup - Spring Hill, Australia
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The Brisbane Ruby and Rails Brigade
With Rails Camp and OSDC coming up over the next two weeks, this is a chance to plot stuff we might want to get up to at these conferences. We'll also hit the lightning talks as usual, so show us what you got. Let us know on the mailing list what you'd like to talk about and we'll post it here: [list] [*] [/list] Down the road to Jackpot afterwards for food, drink and conversation.
Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group December Meetup - Auckland, New Zealand
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group
Last months meetup was crazy! Omar gave us his run down on named scopes and then everyone swapped their named scope success stories. Some noobs were there and they were like 'Wow, that's awesome, I didn't know you could do that'. Rui Tao gave a great overview of his scraping site which turned out to be a Thinking Sphinx guide!
November RoRo - West Perth, Australia
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Ruby on Rails Oceania
Ruby lovers, RoRo November is a go! Aaron will be talking about Cucumber and Acceptance Testing with Webrat and Selenium, and I'll talk about my recent experience training a PHP not-for-profit in the ways of RoR-fu. Also, I've heard rumblings of a RoRo pub crawl to be scheduled for December. Please come along armed with ideas and opinions. Lastly, the office we're meting in is part of a private complex so we'll need to buzz you in.
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