code review and design questions asked during interview

code review , C , Cpp , design London, United Kingdom
  • 9 years ago

    Hello Guys, Hope you are well. I am a C/C++ cross platform developer, working on Windows/Linux and Mac OSX for last three years. As I am not happy with my current job so I am looking to switch to new Job(reason being for better salary and because there is very little learning in my current job).

    I have already given couple of final stage interviews where I have been asked some C/C++ code review questions related to multi threading,string manipulations, pointers etc.

    I did well on those tests(probably answered 70% correctly) but not well enough to be offered job.

    I was wondering if anyone can point me towards a book/discussion forums that addresses these two interview preparation stages,

    • C/C++ code review test
    • A design problem given at interview which I have to suggest solution to( this could be collection of common design questions asked during interview or list build up based on people's experience during interviews).

    I know there is no hard and fast rule or book which you can read and pass the interview. The best way is to experience more and more programming/development/design implementation but any data/book where people have shared their experience will be helpful.



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