Trying to Scrape an Array

node , cheerio , javascript United States
  • 9 months ago

    I'm trying to scrape the following:

            <td style="font-family:eurof;font-size:14px;padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:5px;"><a style="font-family:eurof;font-size:14px;" href="jewelry">JEWELRY</a>  >  <a style="font-family:eurof;font-size:14px;" href="jewelry/anklet">ANKLET</a>  >  <a style="font-family:eurof;font-size:14px;" href="jewelry/anklet/fashion">FASHION</a>  >  <a style="font-family:eurof;font-size:14px;" href="jewelry/anklet/fashion/"></a>

    I use:

    var categories = [];
    const cheerio = require("cheerio");
    const $ = await cheerio.load(content);

    The results of my console.log are:


    I want to get


  • 9 months ago

    The answer was posted here:

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