The Maintenance and Support Programmer is responsible for the software support and maintenance of several hosted web solutions, primarily written with VB and ASP. The solutions also include a limited number of ASP.NET web services written with C#.
The ideal candidate will have at least 1-year experience developing and/or maintaining ASP solutions that utilize VB COM components for business logic and Microsoft SQL Server as the database. At least some knowledge of object oriented concepts is also required. Knowledge and/or experience with Java, ASP.NET and/or C# would be a plus. The candidate will also have to pass a practical technical test. Objective Advantage, Inc. will consider new college graduates with at least a B.S. in a relevant field (3.7 overall GPA) and some co-op or internship experience.
Although this position primarily involves supporting and maintaining exiting systems, some new development is involved. All new development is done using C# and ASP.NET. Objective Advantage will mentor and train the Maintenance and Support Programmer as necessary to undertake such projects.
Objective Advantage, Inc. is a software development and consulting company based in Houston, Texas. We specialize in print technology and service clients from around the world. We enjoy a casual, but intellectually challenging work environment. If you are ready to work hard and are looking to grow your professional skills, send your resume in PDF or Word format to [email protected].
The Maintenance and Support Programmer will work at our offices located in Kingwood, TX on the North side of Houston. Telecommuting is not an option. Objective Advantage, Inc. will not pay relocation expenses for this position. No recruiters please.
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