Although I realise the advantages of, PHP is and does have the potential to be much more powerful. If you are looking for something that you will be able to learn quite easily but is very powerful, is definately the language for you. If you have the time to learn php which is quite a difficult language it might be worth it due to its extra flexibility. Php is also currently more widely supported on web servers. hosting is often very expensive.
As you are just starting, I found that a good way of getting to learn essential web languages such as javascript was to get javascript examples off the internet and tamper with them until i got them to do what i wanted. I found this was more useful than a book (although i did use the tutorial) as I could entirely explore the aspects of javascript that I wanted to first before building up my ability at the language.
Html is a very easy language and I would certainly suggest that you learn something like javascript which is less simple before attempting to dive into the potential complexity of or particularly PHP.
I would also, finally, like to recommend that you look at the website as this outlines the purposes and uses of each language at the start of each tutorial and I find that their tutorials are always a good start for any language.
Decide whether the language suites what you want to be able to do with your websites before you start learning it. Javascript will always come in handy but will asp or php in the kind of websites you want to build? learning something like flash might be more useful if you want to create a graphically enhanced site, for example.
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