Hi Scott;
Thanks for the advice. This "Whilst I cannot imagine why a good developer would want to become a project manager" would have been my reaction too a couple of months earlier, but now I am on the market to look for a new job as Senior developer/Team Leader and 4 out of the 10 interviews I have been through in the last week have asked about "exposure to project managment principle". For me it is strange that these companies view a Team Leader position more as a management job then actually helping team members with less experience (most with out any experience in .Net) and helping the job get done. But anyway for me this is the next set of skill that I might decide to undertake as I always like to learn new things and add more strings to my bow. This year was spent on .Net2.0 /3.0, Ajax and Ruby, and the year before that it was Agile.
Thanks for the reply anyway.
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