I am having very weired, and most probably very
simple problems (but I am too blind to see it so far) with pointers indirection
levels, memory allocation and freeing,
things like in one file:
mystructtype * p =
then the function is:
void initStruct (mystructtype * * p
(*p) = (mystructtype *) malloc(sizeof(mystructtype)); // it blows up
if ((*p) == NULL)
("couldn't create struct\n");
// I do other initliazation for
the structure elements, like other pointers
and mystructtype is
typedef struct tag_estruct {
unsigned long eulscalar;
unsigned long *
} estruct ;
typedef struct tag_mystructtype{
long * lpscalar;
unsigned long ulscalar;
unsigned long * ulparray;
estruct * epstruct;
It is actually
working in a multhreaded/multiprocess program, and I needed to test it in
isolation with other things in a sequential program, but with the full data
structure around it, and it is blowing up now,
I have another similar problem, about allocating
memory for an array encabsulated in dynamically allocated structure as well,
this time the structure is allocated fine, but then it blows up when I allocate
array of 5 integers for example, work most of the time, and then blow up with
some test cases,
for example:
myrecType * myrec;
myrec = (myrecType *) malloc (sizeof(myrecType));
myrec->arrayofinterger = NULL; // I tried removing this one, but it is still blows up
myrec->arrayofinterger = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * 5); // it blows up here
Also, so many problems with blowing up when freeing
memory, I removed some of the free statements, to keep going, but I think that's
why I have problems, even on smaller isolated tests, I still get these,
I heard before about structure hacking in C, and
not sure if this is related, but I can not find online references about this
kind of memory allocations and passing arguments by several levels of
indirection to allocate somewhere, and keep using the same memory location
without copying to temporaries,
I try on several gcc compiler, and not sure if the compiler version is what causes it, but 2 compilers now have given me these:
gcc (GCC) 4.1.1 20060525 (Red Hat 4.1.1-1)
gcc (GCC) 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-3)
I appreciate any help I can get to sort this out, like sample code that can do similar things, or links to tutorials that describe similar functions, not basic pointers exmaples,
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