Dynamically Named Web Services

css , web services Ann Arbor, United States
  • 13 years ago



    I am interested in setting up a method for naming Web Services Dynamically.

    Has this been done?


    Lets Say I have a site for playing a game, Users are allowed to join a game, or start a new game.

    The game is managed through Web services, and the Look feel of the game is independant of the game logic.

    They could play through web browser, or download exe file that references the web service.


    An anchored web service might be called Lounge, or Waiting room, where once a game is selected the server creates a new Web service  that exists for the lifetime of that single game, then disposes.

    So there would be several game001.asmx, or gameXpg&02.asmx services created dynamically as they are needed.


    The big issue, is how do we resolve refernces to the as of yet unnamed services at build time?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.







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