complete installer for both C++ and C#

installing , Cpp , Csharp , Visual Studio Nigeria
  • 11 years ago


    I installed MS Visual C++ ([url=]Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition[/url]) and some time later C# ([url=]Visual C# 2008 Express Edition[/url]). Then problems with C++ began. I uninstalled C++ (there were errors because I previously installed it on external drive to which I don't have access now). I tried to install C++ again but it couldn't (errors at the end). I run installer again (it had to download all of those things again - is there any way to download complete installer, not this 2.5MB installer which downloads those thing? it asks me at the beginning to choose either to download it from internet or choose where I've got CD with complete install. I tried to look for iso for this complete download but I couldn't find it). By the way, when I look for MS Visual C++ in google, it shows me at first results for 2005, later for 2008. Is it good to choose 2008 or is still 2005 in use much more often than 2005?

    My questions are: Is there any file which I can download to have complete installer (not internet-based installer) for both C++ and C#?


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