Training & Events in Austria
Lean Startup Vienna #3 - Wien, Austria
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Lean Startup Vienna
Lean Startup Intro by Andreas KlingerA no-bs intro to the Lean Startup by the guy who's been there, done that and came back from the trenches to help us understand.Customer Development Interviews by Lukas FittlTalking to customers is not only hard but essential if you don't want to spend time building something nobody wants. Learn how to facilitate Customer Interviews in a way to get the most out of it.Managing the Feature Pipeline by Thomas Schranz
Let's meetup for a knowhow exchange on innovation accounting/metrics - Wien, Austria
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Lean Startup Vienna
Let's meet to see how we apply lean startup principles in real life.Focus: Metrics and validation.Topics:* How to setup an actionable dashboard for metrics/innovation accounting* How each of us does A/B testing* ..Less theory but more actual implementation and real life examples. Talk is cheap, examples are solid.
vienna.js monthly meetup - Vienna, Austria
happened 9 years ago
Organised by vienna.js Vienna JavaScript User Group
Bring your Minitalks!Everybody is welcome & feel free to share this invitation!
vienna.js monthly meetup - Vienna, Austria
happened 9 years ago
Organised by vienna.js Vienna JavaScript User Group
Bring your Minitalks!Everybody is welcome & feel free to share this invitation!
vienna.js monthly meetup - Vienna, Austria
happened 9 years ago
Organised by vienna.js Vienna JavaScript User Group
Bring your Minitalks!Everybody is welcome & feel free to share this invitation!
vienna.js monthly meetup - Vienna, Austria
happened 10 years ago
Organised by vienna.js Vienna JavaScript User Group
Bring your Minitalks!Everybody is welcome & feel free to share this invitation!
PHP Barcamp Austria 2010 - Salzburg, Austria
happened 10 years ago
The PHP Barcamp Salzburg 2010 is Austria’s first conference to connect the active PHP community with local businesses and developers. A PHP Barcamp is a regional conference, where people meet, attend sessions and talk about PHP and Open-Source projects. It’s a great opportunity to get to know the (local) PHP community or just learn about PHP and new technologies. After successful camps in Germany, this event is the first one in Austria.
Wiener Startup Mixer August 20 - Wien, Austria
happened 11 years ago
First of many Wiener Start up Mixers, an informal gathering of Wiener internet start up founders and entrepreneurs to socialize and exchange advice and battle stories.
IKT-Forum für Menschen mit Behinderungen - Linz, Austria
happened 11 years ago
ICT Forum for People with Disabilities.Deutschsprachige Konferenz mit den Themenschwerpunkten: Unterstützte Kommunikation (Technologien, Symbolsysteme, Gebärdensprache, etc.), Barrierefreies Web- und Softwaredesign, Barrierefreies Dokument- un...
Web of Data Practitioners Days 2008 - Vienna, Austria
happened 12 years ago
The Web of Data Practitioners Days is a new application-oriented event for Semantic Web practitioners and interested newcomers. It is intended to communicate the results of the past years‘ semantic systems activities to a broader audience, especia...