DFW Agile Coaches Network

We spend our days coaching teams, fighting the good fight, and preaching the Agile Manifesto but who do we turn to for support and understanding? Other coaches of course. This group is dedicated to bringing together those who identify as an Agile coach for support, conversation, and (ideally) a few beers.

Events coming up

We don't have any upcoming events for this user group. Do you know this group? If so, why not submit a future event? We also support iCal, EventBrite and Meetup feeds.

Past events

  • April DFW Agile Coaches Happy Hour

    4-5 Apr 2012 in Irving, United States

    Location TBD in the North Irving area (trying to be inclusive of the DFW area)Come on out, share your experience, perspectives, stories, ideas, and all around agile karma with other passionate Agile coaches over beer, Margaritas, wine, and (of course) low cal starters (..right..) during happy hour.Warning: Fascinating conversations can be difficult to tear yourself away from! Plan accordingly.

  • Meet Other Coaches Over Beer And Such

    Fri, 9 Mar 2012, 00:30 - 02:30 in Irving, United States

    Right now - I'm not sure where we should meet (or even when we should meet).  I'm just throwing this out there to get some feedback.  I'd like to find a location that's somewhat centrally located that will attract the greatest number of us.What about the MacCarthur and 635 area (near Frys)?Thoughts?J.

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“If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution.” - Robert Sewell