NYC Tech Talks

The purpose of this Meetup Group is to gather local techies together to learn from one another. We will have a monthly Meetup (hosted by Meetup HQ at their office space) w/ one presentation from other techies. These presentations will ideally be fairly technical and ideally be "how we do it" type talks.

Few notes:

  • most, but not all presentations will be from local companies (ideally by members of this group)
  • most, but not all presentations will be about web/internet technology
  • most, but not all presentations will be given by startups
  • presentations should be around 30 - 40 minutes, more technical than not, and ideally, be showing how the presenter has solved a particular tech problem

If you would like to present something, please let me know by entering your idea here:

For now, Meetup HQ will sponsor this group, and will provide us w/ the space, as well as snacks and refreshments.

Events coming up

We don't have any upcoming events for this user group. Do you know this group? If so, why not submit a future event? We also support iCal, EventBrite and Meetup feeds.

Past events

  • Jux - NYC Tech Talks Meetup

    29-30 May 2012 in , United States

    Jux is the best place to create content online.  Period.Marketing pitches aside, we?ve encountered some cool technical problems that we look forward to sharing with the group.  Jux?s stack is Ruby 1.9.3 on Rails 3.2, MongoDB, and a whole lotta Javascript, all running on AWS.

  • Crash Reporting at Mozilla - NYC Tech Talks Meetup

    Wed, 29 Feb 2012, 00:00 - 02:00 in , United States

    Every day, Mozilla collects three million Firefox crash reports from around the world. The data in these reports drives the bug-fixing priorities of Firefox engineers, and is critical to understanding the stability of our platform. In this case study, I'll describe the challenges we've faced, the types of questions the system can be used to answer, and the architecture and infrastructure we use to process, store, and analyze approximately 110TB of crash reports using Python, Hadoop, PostgreSQL

  • Aviary - NYC Tech Talks Meetup

    Wed, 23 Feb 2011, 00:00 - 02:00 in New York, United States

    This month, we will have Ari Fuchs and Bruce Drummond from Aviary talking about AviaryFX API, a server side image manipulation and effects service, and Feather, their simple client side image editing tool (

  • Technology behind; April NYC Tech Talks

    27-28 Apr 2010 in New York, United States

    This month, we will have Sam Lessin, CEO of (and the Organizer of the awesomely popular Y+30 Meetup Group) and Jacob Robbins who heads the dev team. They will be here to talk about the tech behind!As always, expect presentations to be highly technical. Q&A is encouraged, so interruptions for questions are a good thing. And, of course, the venue and the free refreshments (beer/soda) provided for by Meetup.Looking forward to seeing you all here!

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We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

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