Windows Azure Kick Start

Fri, 30 Mar 2012, 09:00 - 17:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Microsoft Edina Office- 3601 W , Suite 600, US

Spend a day with some of the nation’s leading cloud experts in learning how to build a web application that runs in Windows Azure. We will show you how to sign up for free time in the cloud, and how to build a typical web application using the same ASP.NET tools and techniques you already use today. We will explore web roles, cloud storage, SQL Azure, and common scenarios. We will save time for open Q&A, and event cover what should not be moved to cloud. This will be a hands on event where you will need laptop configured with the required pieces. We will have help onsite to get the right bits installed as well. Lunch and prizes will be provided.

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Our tools

We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“If debugging is the process of removing software bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in.” - Edsger Dijkstra