Polymorphic Podcast: Developer's Guide to IIS7

Polymorphic Podcast

Steve Schofield is an IIS expert working for webhost ORCS Web. Steve and his team are responsible for such sites as Channel9, ASP.NET, weblogs.asp.net and ASP Alliance. As a member ASP Insiders and a IIS MVP - Steve knows his way around a web server. Steve sheds light on how the new features in I...

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Steve Schofield is an IIS expert working for webhost ORCS Web. Steve and his team are responsible for such sites as Channel9, ASP.NET, weblogs.asp.net and ASP Alliance. As a member ASP Insiders and a IIS MVP - Steve knows his way around a web server.

      <p>Steve sheds light on how the new features in IIS7 make it easy for developers to have more control over the request/response execution.</p><div class="feedflare">

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