ASP.NET Web Forms

Server-side Code Blocks

Code to be executed on the server is contained inside a set of <script> </script> tags, similar to the tags you would use to add client-side code to a Web page. In order for the page compiler to process the source code on the server, you must add a runat="server" attribute to the tag. Page logic, including the handling of events such as the Page_Load() event, is found in server-side code blocks rather than on the client side.

If the runat="server" attribute is not specified, then the tag will be passed to the client as is. This causes unpredictable results, depending on the tag in question. In the case of ASP.NET Web controls, the browser will most likely ignore the tag entirely. HTML controls will then be displayed on the client, but they will not be accessible to ViewState management or server-side validation.

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