Creating new browser window

csharp United States
  • 18 years ago

    I must be missing something obvious... so be gentle...  here goes...

    I am working with Visual Studio .NET

    How do I create a new browser window in a C# web application?

    I have figured out how to do it with html/javascript... but I am apparently not smart enough to integrate this with my C# code... I would lke to do this if possible with C# and avoid hand-crafting the HTML code since I am pretty sure that the IDE will recreate the HTML code based upon the way the form is layed out. (right? wrong?)

    I would like to create a new window for the user to enter some info. I would like to do this via a button on the main page. If the user presses the button I would like to create a new browser window. This window will allow the user to enter data. If the user presses submit I will kick off a db update, close the new window and refresh the main page. If the user cancels, then I will close the window and return to the main page without dpupdate or main page refresh.

    Thanks in advance.

  • 18 years ago

    I don't know if it would be any different in a web app
    (as I've never done one), but usually I use:


    to open a new browser. You can also do this:


    Hope that helps,
    - Mike

  • 18 years ago

    OK... I finally figured it out...

    I was using a server side control (a button from the Web Forms Toolbox) instead of a client side button (button from the HTML Toolbox).

    In the words of the immortal Homer Simpson... Doohhh!

    Anyway... thanks for the help.

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