
  • 18 years ago

    I'm having some trouble with a delegate in my program.

    it's defined as :

    delegate void MeProc(int HWND, uint MSG, uint WParam, int LParam);

    I've also tried:

    delegate void MeProc(ref Message m);

    I think the problem is either that or in the following code:


    int h = FindWindow(null,textbox.Text);
    int Menu1 = GetSystemMenu(h, 0);
    AppendMenu(Menu1, 0, 666, "Hello from Michael");
    oldProc = GetWindowLong(h, -4);
    if(SetWindowLong(h, -4,new MeProc(proc1))==0) MessageBox.Show("Nope");

    something interesting though, if h is the HWND of the my program's
    window, I get a "Fatal execution engine error".  But if h is the HWND of a Internet Explorer window,
    the call fails and I see that MessageBox. This is supposed to insert a new window procedure for the window.

    I (strongly) think that I've done something wrong with the delegate.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

    - Mike

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