ADO.NET and Relational Data start?

csharp United States
  • 18 years ago


    I will write an application that work with an Access DB.
    My database have 5 table that have a relationship to each other.

    tables in DB:

    Table 1: Car: CarID, Manufactore, Colour, Hp, Displacement, Price, Model
    Table 2: SaleContractCar: SaleContractID, CarID
    Table 3: SaleContract: SaleContractID, CustomerID, Date
    Table 4: Customer: CustomerID, CustomerAddressID, Tel, Age, SeconCar, Name
    Table 5: CustomerAddress: CustomerAddressID, Street, StreetNr, Zip, City

    relationship between the tables:

    Table 1 (one to more) Table 2
    Table 2 (more to one) Table 3
    Table 3 (more to one) Table 4
    Table 4 (more to one) Table 5

    at this moment I don't know how to start.

    should I first load all tables I one DataSet?
    and create for each table a DataTable?

    how I should start?
    how I should write an update SQL statement for this DataSet?

    where I can find some sample application that work with Relational Data?


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