'// Form Code
'Create a form and ad a command button named Command1
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Call GetErrData(TheNumberHere)
End Sub
'// Module Code
Public Function GetErrData(ByRef ErrorNumber As Long)
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Err.Raise (ErrorNumber) ' this brief call to the event handler Raises the error
' Note that the Err.Source would be of little help here since
' this would be the calling project that you are in.
Exit Function
MsgBox "This is the error info..." & vbCrLf & _
"Number: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _
"Description " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _
"Help Context ID" & Err.HelpContext & vbCrLf & _
"Help File" & Err.HelpFile, vbCritical, "ERROR MESSAGE"
Err.Clear ' destroy the error and…
Resume Next
End Function
The following function will print out all available errors to a text file called, AllErrors.txt in the same location as your application file is stored.
'// Form Code
'Create a form and ad a command button named Command1
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Call GetAllErrors()
MsgBox "The Error document has been created", vbExclamation,
End Sub
'// Module Code
Public Function GetAllErrors()
'clean out residual error tags
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim I As Long, F As Integer, ErrFile As String
Dim MessageTxt As String
ErrFile = App.Path & "\AllErrors.txt"
F = FreeFile
Open ErrFile For Output As #F
Print #F, "Err.Number|Err.Description|Err.HelpContext|Err.HelpFile"
For I = 1 To 65535 'all possible valid Long err numbers 'Loop
the numbers and call them one by one Err.Raise (I)
' On resuming after getting the error message, go here
'only print the messages clearly defined
If MessageTxt <> "" And _
InStr(1, Trim(MessageTxt), "Application-defined or", vbTextCompare)
= 0 Then
Print #F, MessageTxt
End If
Next I
Close #F
Exit Function
MessageTxt = Err.Number & "|" & _
Err.Description & "|" & _
Err.HelpContext & "|" & _
Resume GoHere ' Resume execution at the GoHere line label
End Function
For further details on the error object, please refer to the following topics in the Visual Basic help: Err Object, Trappable Errors, Error Function